Kaypacha - The worldview of an astrologer - September 23, 2022

1 year ago

“What we don't understand we call coincidence”

Kaypacha first began the study of astrology over forty years ago. Since then, he has explored the synchronistic relationship between the cosmos and earthly phenomena and our internal human experience of Self / Soul, offering astrology and yoga workshops to thousands on every continent in the world.

His diverse background includes knowledge of evolutionary, shamanic, and Uranian astrology, cosmobiology, and esoteric studies. He has been practicing and teaching kundalini yoga for more than ten years and has combined his knowledge of the Sabian symbols, tarot, meditation, breathwork, and yoga to create his own unique, heart-centered astrological methods for healing and growth.

Since 2010 he has shared a weekly astrological update and has over 128,000 subscribers on YouTube. He has taught workshops worldwide and regularly offers online events to his international followers. He is the founder of the New Paradigm School of Astrology, with over 500 students worldwide. He does online seminars, guest appearances, interviews, teaches classes, and writes articles regularly.


The New World TV is a platform that brings people from different disciplines together to think about major changes that are coming due to a combination of rapid technological developments and globalization. It is an initiative philosopher Ad Verbrugge in collaboration with Jelle van Baardewijk, Marlies Dekkers, and Thomas Bollen.

The New World TV is made in collaboration with Centrum Ethos on the VU and Philosophical School Netherlands.



Pluto in Aquarius: the Evolution of Society and Technology:

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