Living paycheck to paycheck and the minimum wage

1 year ago

In this episode, Ismaine and Robin fail to answer a question that Robin has been wondering about !.

Specifically, how is it that with such a high median household income, the majority of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, according to surveys year after year?

The two co-hosts discuss how money goes further in the USA than in their native countries of the UK and France, and Americans have more of it… which makes it all the less necessary, Robin suggests, that so many Americans are in such financial insecurity. What are they doing?

Of course, this is a complex topic, and a huge number of factors bear on it. As the discussion proceeds, the two touch on the minimum wage and what hard-working low-income people should (if anything) be able to expect. Ismaine floats an idea for implementing a minimum wage that does not burden small businesses, but he agrees with Robin that implementation by government will likely do more harm than good…

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