15 of the USA's most incredible animals and where to see them

1 year ago


The USA isn’t just a melting pot of people – it is also home to myriad wild species spread across all 50 states. You just need to know where to look…

Everything is bigger in America; even its wild spaces are ‘supersized’, with forests that seem to go on forever and vast tracts of desert, canyons and mountains that stretch all the way to the horizon. Skyscraping American cities have a hold on many people’s imaginations, but it’s these natural landscapes, including the national parks, refuges and national monuments, that have called me back time and again over the years.
Today, around 12% of land in the USA is protected, alongside 26% of its oceans. Shortly after arriving in office, President Joe Biden committed to raising the percentage of conserved land and ocean to 30% by 2030. It’s a welcome idea. These wild places are home to a fascinating array of creatures, including more than 400 species of mammal, around 800 bird species and about

1,100 types of fish.
People may say there’s nothing more American than apple pie, but it’s the bald eagle, a symbol of freedom and strength, that the Founding Fathers chose to represent the United States. Wolf, bison and bear are all part of the American psyche and culture, from film and literature to Native American folklore. And it’s not just the West that’s wild: remarkable species are found across all 50 states, from the ’gator-filled swamps of Florida to the prairies of South Dakota.
Documentaries such as Tiger King and Blackfish helped lift the lid on the fact that many experiences offered to tourists often mean misery and harm to the animals involved. Always stop to think whether paying to take part in a ‘fun’ holiday experience is likely to cause suffering or contribute to negative practices, especially if animals are kept in cramped or unhealthy conditions. Avoid situations where captive animals are forced to pose or perform for tourists. As a general rule, it’s best to see animals only in the wild or in reputable rehab centres and sanctuaries. With the latter, do your research in advance to make sure you’re visiting a respected facility and not just a money-spinner. In the wild, keep your distance and take measures to make sure you and the animals you are watching are safe: avoid keeping food in your car or tent and don’t take selfies with bison, bears or moose because they don’t always play nice.

Here are 15 incredible creatures to spend time with in the United States, including the best places to see them...
Is this the world’s cutest animal? It’s certainly a contender, especially when mothers float on their backs carrying fuzzy pups in their arms. Sea otters are the smallest marine mammal in North America. They have thick fur, which is handy when you spend your life in cold water. They’re also able to use ‘tools’, breaking open mussels and clams with stones that they often store in pocket-like folds of skin under their arms. Sadly, this About Us https://bit.ly/3GUPFOa
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