How To Stake $TUR With Trusted Node

1 year ago

How To Acquire & Stake $TUR with Trusted Node 👨🏾‍🏫

- Create a wallet with Talisman ( with Polkadot Extension
( Add Kusama Network to your newly created wallet.
- Fun your wallet with Kusama $KSM

- Head to Mangata Finance (
-Connect you Wallet to Mangata Finance
-Deposit your $KSM on Mangata Finance
-Swap your $KSM for $MGX
-Swap your $MGX for $TUR
-Withdraw your $TUR back your Talisman Wallet

-Go to TrustedNode ( Portals
-Connect your wallet to Trusted Node
- Stake your $TUR and enjoy the high APR

Congratulators you have successfully delegated with Trusted Node 🟪

*Remember there is a 2day unbounding period

I used AAX To Purchase $KSM

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