John G. Lake ~ A Possessor of the Spirit (4K) (21min)

2 years ago

What makes a Christian different than any other sort of person? John G. Lake expounds on the distinguishing characteristic of the Christian man and woman in this sermon given on November 24, 1916. Highlights include, "what is God made of?" "the secret of Christ's ministry," and a revealing final screen for you.

John G. Lake (1870-1935) had a remarkable perspective on healing, the power of God, miracles, and living the miraculous Kingdom life of power and love.

#JohnGLake #Healing #Miracles

I have updated some antiquated terminology for flow and for a more modern reading. Great care has been taken to keep the original meaning of the message. This sermon has been also titled "Ministry of the Spirit."

Thanks so much for watching, liking, commenting, and sharing.

~Reverend Elation

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