Your Money Is Worthless

2 years ago

A few decades ago, almost every country in the world adhered to the “gold standard” which meant that countries couldn’t print more money than the gold that was in circulation.

So basically each unit of currency was worth a specific weight in gold. You could essentially go to the bank and exchange your paper money for gold bullion or coins – so in other words, your money was linked to something tangible, something of value and it was stable!

Today, however, we live in a different world. In 1971, President Nixon ended the gold standard because he wanted to control inflation. But what he didn’t realize is that by doing so he would create a system where there would be no limits on how much money could be created – which led us into an endless cycle of boom and bust economic cycles!

The US dollar is no longer backed by anything tangible like gold but rather by faith alone. Most countries have abandoned this system as well and now we live in an era where all currencies are fiat currencies, which means they are backed by nothing but faith alone!

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