Bryan Christ and the Upcoming Election

2 years ago

00:00 Intro
00:28 How is Montgomery County Looking?
06:07 Should We Shun Liberals from Republican Party?
08:20 Local Voting Races
11:16 Hispanic Conservative Party
12:57 County Election Machines
19:43 Montgomery County is in Good Shape
20:18 Your Vote Counts
36:43 Please Vote!
39:37 Closing Thoughts
40:35 Outro

On today’s show we welcome Chairman of the Montgomery county republican party, Brian Crist back to the show. Election day is coming up on November 8 with early voting starting on 24 October. All signs point to a huge red wave coming. But that red wave is dependent upon you the voter getting out and voting Republican. We discuss what the ballot looks like, as well as Montgomery county‘s new method of voting. Check it out. #redwave #midterm22 #2022youdecide

About the Show:
Impolite Company is a show where we discuss all the things that you’re not supposed to talk about in polite company, politics, religion, and all the other things that truly matter. The show follows a long form interview format allowing guests to get past talking points and sound clips. On the show, we go deep into the issues, discussing not just the topics at hand, but the philosophy, and theory behind why the guests advocate the positions that they do. This allows the guest to dive deep into the issues that they are passionate about, which is why we have them on the show in the first place. No topic is off limits, and the pursuit of truth, beauty, and goodness is always a priority. Finding ourselves in the midst of a culture war in which “the wrong” opinion can get you “canceled” it has never been more important for our civil society to discuss the important issues, even if it is Impolite.

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