Graphene Oxide (GO2) Based Nano-Tech Powered by 5G Found in the Pfizer Vaccine

1 year ago

Evidence presented by 'La Quinta Columna' shows forced Trans-humanization of society is happening now.

This content is mirrored. Credits to Greg Reese, Info Wars


Over 1000 published studies provide evidence that the COVID-19 "vaccines" are DANGEROUS

• Fact - deaths due to the covid vaccines in the UK after 6 months are 407% higher than deaths due to all other vaccines combined in the past 11 years ( )

• 7-year-old dies 11 days after Pfizer shot, VAERS report shows ( )

• 34,337 deaths 3,120,439 injuries following covid shots in European database as UK public data show 35 deaths 213 hospitalizations among booster triple vaccinated. ( )

• 310 athlete cardiac arrests, serious issues, 177 dead, after covid shot ( )

• 5-year-old died 4 days after Pfizer shot, CDC VEARS data show ( )

• 8-year-old girl has stroke and brain hemorrhage 7 days after Pfizer covid-19 shot ( )
• 120 teens hospitalized, 3 dead following Pfizer vaccine rollout for 15 to 17-year-olds in Vietnam ( )

• 2,620 dead babies in VAERS after covid shots… ( )

• 17-year-old develops multisystem inflammatory syndrome and myocarditis after Pfizer vaccine, report shows ( )

• 20-year-old loses her leg after second AstraZeneca jab in Surat Thani ( )

• 13-year-old boy loses eyesight 10 days after receiving the Pfizer covid-19 vaccine - mother seeks answers ( )

• 14-year-old boy dies from massive brain bleed hours after receiving his second Pfizer covid-19 vaccine ( )

• A list of people who had their leg amputated after receiving the covid-19 vaccine ( )

• Footballer, 23, dead from jab MSM cover it up ( )

• Mother of a 17-year-old girl who lost the use of her limbs after having the Pfizer vaccine ( )

• Stevie Thrasher, 29 years old from Washington, injured after receiving the Pfizer vaccine ( )

• 13-year-old dies in sleep after receiving Pfizer covid vaccine; CDC investigating ( )

• Dad: My son's school made him get a covid vaccine, now he has a heart condition ( )

• Laura Ingraham - interview with woman who suffered severe brain bleed after Moderna jab ( )

• Mother regrets putting 12-year-old daughter in Pfizer covid-19 vaccine trial ( )

• 13-year-old Michigan boy dies three days after second dose of Pfizer vaccine, aunt says 'moral, ethical, health' questions need answers ( )

• Mum of three dies after receiving AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine ( )

• Stephanie Wasil, 51, dies of cardiac arrest from the Moderna vaccine ( )

• Family of Italian woman who died after Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine launches legal action ( )

• Vietnamese woman dies after receiving AstraZeneca shot ( )

• Nurse develops Bell's Palsy after receiving covid jab (video)

• A 28-year-old mother from Winconsin is brain dead after the second dose of the covid injection

• 58-year-old woman dies hours after getting first dose of Pfizer vaccine

• 19-year-old hospitalised with heart inflammation after covid vaccine

• 39-year-old nurse aide dies within 48 hours of receiving the covid jab

• A 41-year-old Portuguese mother of two who worked in paediatrics died at a hospital in Porto just two days after being vaccinated against covid-19

• 63-year-old man dies 2 days after covid-19 vaccination - "it's too early to tell whether the jab was related to his death" ( )

• 56-year-old woman dies days after covid vaccine - "no link established so far" ( )

• 88-year-old dies hours after covid vaccination in second such incident - "in both cases, medical professionals do not believe the deaths were connected to the vaccines" ( )

• Greek woman dies following AstraZeneca vaccine blood clot ( )

• Families of South Korea's covid vaccine victims mourn loved ones during mass memorial service ( )

• Three footballers collapse in three days - ( )

• Paul Dimattina: Australian football league legend rushed to hospital after sever reaction to Pfizer booster shot ( )

• Sithipol Bovornkittipaisal: 26-year-old man dies 1 day after receiving Moderna covid-19 vaccine, investigation launched ( )

• As reports of injuries after covid vaccines near 1 million mark, CDC, FDA clear Pfizer, Moderna boosters for all adults ( )

• How many people in key Pfizer covid vaccine trial died? More than Pfizer told you ( )

• Pfizer secretly adds dangerous ingredient to injection for 5 to 11-year-olds as Taiwan stops Pfizer shots for 12 to 17-year-olds ( )

• Surge in reports of serious injuries as 5-year-olds start getting shots ( )

• German news agency compiles list of 75 European athletes who have died "suddenly" in the past 5 months since being fully vaccinated. ( )

• Woman left wheelchair-bound with neurological damage hours after Pfizer vaccine dose ( )

• US Children's Hospitals Now Overwhelmed with Infant Cardiac Patients ( )

• Worldwide surge of sports people suffering sudden health issues and death ( )

• mRna shots are 'gene therapy' marketed as 'vaccines' to gain public trust says Big Pharma ( )

• Pfizer adds ingredient used to stabilize heart attack victims in vax for kids ( )

• Astounding, heartbreaking adverse effects testimony about injections ( )

• Funeral director: "I just see the dead babies in fridges" ( )

• This happened to her daughter Casey after one Pfizer jab ( )

• Two kids die from the same school within a week - ( )

• Another teenage boy died after the "vaccine"…( )

• Covid world war press conference destroyed - "my friends are dead" ( )

• Jabbed up rugby player has massive heart attack and stroke in game ( )

• Scientist whose wife was injured by covid vaccine tells FDA: 'Please do not give this to kids ( )

• Murder charges filed after child vax death ( )

• Covid vaccine injury - young healthy man & his partner - now suffer with myocarditis ( )

• Pharmacy manager of 10 years publicly quits her job…( )

• 1600 reports of hair loss following covid-19 shots ( )

• Nurse can't walk or talk properly after covid booster ( )

• 40 Plus minutes of one major vaccine injury after another ( )

• Covid vaccine injury - woman speaks about her heart condition & warns others ( )

• Millions of vaccine injured people across the world ( )

• Post covid-19 injections: the dead don't speak, but those with crippling injuries issue warnings ( )

• Shocking vaccine admissions from inside the WHO ( )

• Vaccine-induced ADE strikes the UK, MSM spins as 'super cold' ( )

• Covid-19 victims tell their stories ( )

• Mandated medical worker has both legs, some fingers and one hand amputated after covid injection ( )

• Daughter of man having arm amputated from clots after covid vaccine speaks out ( )

• Horrific: baby paralyzed by covid vaccine ( )

• Covid vaccine multiple injuries - only 16-years-old and her life is completely destroyed ( )

• Doctor's daughter jab reactions ignored ( )

• Government HHS nurse Jodi O'Malley blows whistle on covid-19 vaccine injuries and deaths ( )

• Mother screams a warning in agony - her son died 2 days after the covid jab ( )

• Mother in Canada left to die from vaccine injuries ( )

• Horrific side effects of getting covid vaccine while pregnant ( )

• Young woman loses little sister to vaccine - banned on social media ( )

• My best friend killed by the jab - another true horror story of the lethal injection ( )

• Emotional plea "My son received the vaccine and died a few days later" ( )

• FBI agent took the covid vaccine and died within hours ( )

• SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccination-Associated Myocarditis in Children Ages 12-17: A Stratified National Database Analysis ( )

• Polio virus to cover up kids jab adverse reactions ( )

• Woman dies of rare brain disease within 3 months of second Pfizer shot, doctor says vaccine could be responsible ( )

• The vaccine murder of Roy Butler must not be covered up ( )

• Navy doctor reveals more soldiers have died from the vaccine than died from covid ( )

• Australians speak out about deaths and adverse reactions soon after receiving covid vaccine ( )

• Enraged mother says the Pfizer vaccine killed her daughter in 5 hours ( )

• "Nothing but problems": double vaxxed man warns unvaxxed - 'Stand your ground. It's all a big lie' ( )

• Exclusive interview: mum whose 14-year-old son developed myocarditis after Pfizer vaccine no longer trusts CDC, public health officials ( )

• Covid vaccine deaths "In 6 months. Thousands dead. Millions injured" ( )

• 1000 covid stories - people sharing their adverse reactions from the covid vaccine ( )

• CDC study on 12- to 17-year-olds who got Pfizer vaccine: 397 reports of heart inflammation, 14 deaths ( )

• Covid-19 vax reactions ( )

• Latest CDC VAERS data for 12 to 17-year-olds include 7 deaths, 271 serious adverse events following covid vaccines ( )

• Minnesota woman loses both legs and both hands following second Pfizer covid-19 shot ( )

• Vaccine damaged woman begs you to reconsider ( )

• Wayne's covid vaccine injury story - I didn't know, nobody told me…& now I have brain damage! ( )

• Surgeon who operated on young Italian vaccine victim: 'You have never seen anything like this' ( )

• Woman with life-altering injuries after covid vaccine teams up with U.S. senators to demand answers ( )

• Real people who have been suffering after taking the covid-19 injection ( )

• 'Before the vaccine, my son was a healthy athlete. Now he can barely walk' ( )

• Teen who had heart attack after covid vaccine tells Robert F. Kennedy Jr: 'I thought it was safe' ( )

• Preliminary finding of mRNA covid-19 vaccine safety in pregnant women ( )

• Julie & Ben - Bell's Palsy and neurological issues covid-19 vaccine reactions ( )

• Kevin's story - covid vaccine injuries ( )

• Hundreds Injured by covid vaccines turn to GoFundMe for help with expenses ( )

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