The New Iron Will Weekly News Report | Oct. 21, 2022

1 year ago

In this week’s free version of the Iron Will Report at

• Pfizer admits to not testing their vaccine before release
• Expert analysis shows number of dead and injured from the shots
• Revelations from the Public Hearings on the Emergency Measures Act
• Many politicians who are pushing the shots are not vaxxed themselves
• Casket sales dramatically increase, especially for child-sized caskets
• New chimeric virus could kill up to 80% of infected
• Government trying to kill the Peckford case on violations to our freedom of movement

And in the Members’ version at, all of the above plus:

• Fuel shortages in France
• Specialist predicts freezing, starvation and disease in northern climates
• Quebec College of Physicians recommending MAiD for babies
• Yukon joins gun grab pushback
• Schools promoting non-binary ideology
• Irish teacher jailed for refusing to call a boy ‘she’
• J.K. Rowling protests transgender threat to women
• Students adopting ‘fursonas’
• New Zealand to tax…wait for it…

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