Practical Balance - Food and Fuel Shortages

1 year ago

Food and Fuel Shortages

Many people have expressed their concerns about the food and fuel shortages not only happening in America, but around the world.
These situations are defining aspects of our lives. Food is not going to be readily available because of farmers not being able to get fuel for their tractors. Because it is not going to change as quickly as humans would like, people may need to barter.

These challenges are given to help people master the game of earth, spiritually.

Jesus blessed food, and bread and did his own magick to make a situation better. Christ was a magickal person. People think he was different, but Spirit says, not true. What he mastered, so can we. We can master the magick to make life more comfortable.
Spirit is wondering when humans are going to step up and make their own situation better and not allow the challenges of life define them. Spirit wants us to learn how to do our own magick. The human way is not going to work because we need to learn to solve problems the spiritual way.

We can no longer look to government to solve the problems we will be facing. Okay humans, how are you going to solve this? We can start by banding together to modify and override our current circumstances.

As Spirit allows these challenges into our lives, they force us to make the choice of staying in victim consciousness or taking our power back.
Spirit supports civil unrest and people taking their power back in every country where Governments have neglected the needs of the people.

When are humans going to say enough is enough and take positive action, especially when fueled by irritation and frustration? Like-minded people standing together and starting at the grassroots level.
Creating change is a dance where you do things in both a human and spiritual way.

Humans banding together, one heart, one soul, and one mind.
Bless your food, fuel, and other supplies to last longer. Go within and work your own magick.

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