Scorpio New Moon SE 10.25.22 Astrosonics Affirmations #astrology #soundhealing #raiseyourvibration

2 years ago

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Sun/Moon/Pluto (for Scorpio collective):
I now blend my conscious and intuitive natures, finding expression with ease, integrity, and passion.

Sun/Moon/Venus (conjunction):
I now easily attract people and resources with integrity and love that triumphs over a love of power.

Sun/Moon/Mars (trine):
I now find success in all my actions because I am motivated by spiritual integrity.

Sun/Moon/Jupiter quincunx:
I now harmonize my desire for abundance and adventure with the power of love that easily attracts.

Sun/Moon/Sedna quincunx:
The more I perceive the sacred in all living beings, the more easily and gracefully I transcend my own grief.

Merc/Neptune quincunx:
I now harmonize my rational thoughts with my soul’s awareness, and express myself with compassion.

Merc/Pluto square:
All that I communicate is motivated by the power and mystery of deep inner knowing.

Mars/Pluto quincunx:
The only power I recognize is that which comes from Infinite Source.

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