“On November 8th We Will Have Judgment on the Illegitimate Biden Regime – And Nancy Pelosi”

1 year ago

– STEVE BANNON Drops EPIC RANT Following Sentencing
Mirrored - Fair Use
Oct 21, 2022
On Friday morning several committed leftists came out to greet Steve Bannon as he entered DC court for his sentencing.
Steve seemed unfazed as he was met by shouts of “Traitor!” by the brainwashed leftists outside the court. Steve Bannon responded to their screams with, “Take down the CCP!” This was obviously lost on the crowd of leftists assembled outside the court.
The DC judge sentenced Steve Bannon to 4 months in prison and $6,500 in fines for not speaking with Nancy Pelosi’s Moscow Show Trial of committed, angry leftists.
After the sentencing, unhinged leftists again screamed again at Steve Bannon as he left court.
Steve paused to make a statement to the unhinged crowd and .
Steve Bannon: I want to say one thing. I respect the judge. The sentence he came down with today is his decision. I fully respect, I’ve been totally respectful of this entire process. On the legal side also want to make one of the before I talk about a broader topic, more than any person in the Trump administration, I testified before the Molar Commission for more hours. I testified in front of the House Intelligence Committee. More than any other person in the Trump administration, I testified in front of the Senate Intelligence. I think more than all about the issues related to Russia, gate to all of that. Okay. The same process every time. I had lawyers that were engaged. They worked through the issues of privilege. And at that time I went and testified. And this thing about I’m above the law is an absolute and total lie. Now, more importantly more importantly, the judge today, he stated for the appeal and we’ll have a very vigorous appeals process. I’ve got a great legal team. There will be multiple areas of appeal.
But as that sign says right there, can we have the vote sign on November 8, there’s going to have judgment on the illegitimate Biden regime. And quite frankly, and quite frankly, Nancy Pelosi and the entire committee, and we know which way that’s going, either they’ve already been turfed out like Liz Cheney or quit like Kinzinger and other the Democrats, or they’re about to be beaten like Luria and others, or they will lose their power and become a minority. And Nancy Pelosi… This is a democracy. This is democracy. The American people are way in measuring what went on with the Justice Department and how they comported themselves. They’re weighing and measuring that right now. And they will vote on November 8. Can I go ahead and finish?
On November 8, the American people will raise judgment and we will broom the Biden administration ends on the 8th evening of eight of November. And let me be some other thing is that the Department of Justice Merrick Garland will end up being the first Attorney General that’s brought up on charges of impeachment and he will be removed from office. Thank you very much.

(Note: In my research, as a Canadian, I can assure you that Dominion Voting machines are used in key areas of Canada during a federal election. Do you think the Trudeau government actually had the votes to win the last snap election or any election in the past decade? So not only are un-elected medical officials dictating their evil psychopathic genocide narrative, corrupt media, but most likely dictated down by an illegitimate government - exactly as in the USA and other world countries.

(Note: In the USA you have these so-called RINOs (In Name Only), we have these hack politicians (In Name Only) like Erin O’Toole in Canada as well. Either paid-off, idiots or demonic psychopaths who sold their souls. With election fixes in, how many politicians or un-elected medical officials are part of this planned genocide and plandemic? They will have a lot to answer for in this life or the next. See: Canada's Chad EP. 86 - O'Toole Won't Support Truckers. https://rumble.com/vtc7d0-canadas-chad-ep.-86-otoole-wont-support-truckers-mirrored.html

THE FORUM OF YOUNG GLOBAL LEADERS (Shaping the future) – Graduates Angela Merkel, Bill Gates, Jens Spahn, and Justin Trudeau among others. Global genocide planned for decades with certain leaders placed in position or through fraud elections. Trudeau was purposely positioned as our Prime Minister for this exact point of time.

“The Young Global Leaders … aligned with the World Economic Forum’s mission, we seek to drive public-private co-operation in the global public interest. We are united by the belief that today’s pressing problems present an opportunity to build a better future across sectors and boundaries.” ...It's A Big Club And You Ain't In It.

KLAUS SCHWAB IN 2017 - "MERKEL, PUTIN, TRUDEAU (AND MORE) WERE ALL WEF YOUNG GLOBAL LEADERS" https://rumble.com/vtead0-klaus-schwab-in-2017-merkel-putin-trudeau-and-more-were-all-wef-young-globa.html

Here is an example link and an excerpt from this link. Do these Canadian Dominion Machine voting delays and excuses sound familiar as the alleged cheating is tabulated?

“Dominion Voting System, the municipal voting system used by several townships, is experiencing slowdowns and stoppages.
It seems to be caused by too many voters entering the system at the same time, and Dominion has increased their capacity, but it's still too slow, which is why we made the decision to extend the voting period," Jeff Smith, deputy clerk with the Township of Woolwich told CBC.”

PROOF Our Elections Have Been RIGGED Since 2000

Catholic Church Falls To Communism

SELECTION CODE Movie on the 2020 Election Steal is DEVASTATING (Drop & Roll)

Roger Stone Released SHOCKING STATEMENT On The Media’s Pathetic Attempts To Frame President Trump

Dominion Voting Systems has a history of controversy in Canadian elections


2000 Mules - Full video

Selection Code - > You Vote; > {They Decide} [hivemind cheating and control]


Elections Expert Jovan Pulitzer on How to Stop the Fraud

Putting the World Economic Forum out of Business!

Arizona Wilder (explains hive-mind)

Patriot Underground Episode 250 (right on the mark “biblical”– Marcum)

Premier Doug Ford - “This will be resolved through the ballot-box”- WHAT???

Justin Trudeau is a Pedophile [mirrored]

This is a planned narrative against us and it is demonic to say the least in this spiritual warfare. The world is relying on what happens in the USA regarding the stolen election. This has to be rectified now or it is game over for the rest of the world. The evil cabal will cheat again as they take total control over us and their goal is depopulation. Wake up, and pray! I am confident that the US military is in control and to trust the plan. Meanwhile we have to do our part and not comply to this insanity. Total respect to the brave souls from "truckersforfreedom", "mounties4freedom" and "Rebel News" for your leadership. God Bless, Marcum)


“Everybody you see on TV, about 90% are a clone, a synthetic robotoid or a soul scalped person.” (From my archive of censored or banned videos) Hint: Think Biden, Pelosi, Schiff, Trudeau, RINOs, woke (pope?)

Guy Brummel (also known as Agent Margaritaville) has been locked up in PRISON because he has a list of PEDOS living in CANADA AND the USA, who occupy KEY positions of power. Learn why PEDOPHILE illuminati puppets... all want Guy Brummel to go away! (Part 1 of 10)

MODEL FREAKS OUT AT ILLUMINATI DINNER WITH HUMAN FLESH (“They took me there so you could make a copy [clone] of me.”)

Adrenochrome (ADC) (These Demonic Psychopaths are Pure EVIL! please see description for info & link)


JUAN O SAVIN: 911 – Q is 17


“A little birdie told me” Wink! Wink!

DNA Activation The Unveiling

(All MSM is corrupt and the enemy of the people. They are the mouthpiece for the evil elite globalist genocide plan. Canadian MSM one of the worst in the world along with our corrupt illegitimate controlling Trudeau government all in cahoots with US and corrupt world cabal media…The MSM is the actual cult.) “Time to wake up!”
Please use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research.
Let’s all pray and together try to “wake up” as many people from the spell as possible.

Disclaimer: Listeners solely responsible for their own actions or choices. For entertainment purposes only, not medical advice.

A must see for Catholics! Can Pope Francis love us to death? (Marcum MyCatholicRedPill)

Blaylock: Update on Covid-19 pandemic events (They not even hiding the information)

This Content Is Mirrored. Please support the original creator. All credit, royalties and sincere thanks to the original source of this video.

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