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Mordechai Krispijn in conversation with David Icke - October 21, 2022
“The Netherlands wants to ban David Icke from speaking in Amsterdam at a meeting for PEACE on November 6, 2022. These are the tyrants trying to ban Icke worldwide - so what does he say that makes them so terrified of one man while the authorities are destroying the country and using the media as their spineless echo chamber? – the TRUTH Of course…”
CIDI wants to prevent the arrival of David Icke because of anti-Semitic statements he is said to have made. Mordecai indicates that he has not been able to find such statements and talks about this with David.
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Mass Control: Engineering Human Consciousness - Jim Keith
“What luck for rulers that men do not think.” — Adolf Hitler
[first five chapters]
Chapter 1 - Origins of Control
Agents of the world’s elite have been long engaged in a war on the populace of Earth. Greed is the motivation for this war, a greed so pervasive that it encompasses the planet and all of the beings on it, but in recent times a philosophy has been used to justify that greed. It is the philosophy of mass control, that ultimately aims at dictating every aspect of human life—even remolding man’s perception of reality and himself.
Although the lust for control can be discerned since the beginning of recorded history, a nexus of particular importance arose in Germany in the latter half of the 19th century. As the country increased in military and industrial might, becoming the strongest power in Europe, a revolution simultaneously took place in German philosophic and scientific thought that paradoxically would spread through the world to create positive technological change as well as to birth innumerable toxic children. According to one source:
“The sudden change from relative political weakness to world power and from economic insecurity to prosperity proved to be a great strain on the German character and public life. The spread of materialistic philosophy of life was world-wide in this age, and the idolatry of power was not confined to Germany, but its corrosive effect was particularly strong in a country that was not inured to power.”1
One aspect of this transformation, this “idolatry of power” was a negative transformation of the psychological sciences. In the late 19th century, earlier more humanistic approaches to understanding mankind were replaced by a scientific philosophy that would be employed less as a measure for the understanding of man than as a justification for a new feudalism and a mechanism of pure control.
The materialist overhauling of psychology was in great part ushered in by the work of the German psychologist Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt. Wundt was a professor of philosophy at the University of Leipzig, and in 1875 established the world’s first psychological laboratory there, a move that would eventually turn the world of more humanistic-oriented psychology on its head. Interesting, but Wundt’s grandfather is documented as having been a member of the Illuminati secret society, making it not unreasonable to imagine that herr professor may also have been a member of that group.
Wundt, in reflection of a powerful materialistic groundswell in German thought that began with Schopenhauer at the beginning of the 19th century and that was to be later epitomized by Karl Marx, rejected in cavalier fashion the notion that man might have a soul or deeper significance than the merely physical, that he was in fact anything more than an animal. Following this line of reasoning, an approach that came
to be known in psychology as Structuralism, Wundt insisted that all psychological studies should depend entirely on the study of body reactions. The truth of man, Wundt insisted, could be determined solely through mechanistic means: measurement, analysis, and dissection of bodies. After Wundt had thoroughly infused the psychological sciences with his materialist approach, many scientists—and the members of the ruling class that employed them—believed that they were justified in treating human beings as if they were pieces of meat, and as an overall plan of action, proceeded to do so.
The materialist psychological doctrine spread rapidly with at least twenty-four laboratories established by Wundt’s students between the years 1883 and 1893, with more of the German’s acolytes fanning out to infiltrate related fields, such as education. Wundt’s materialistic approach would infect the thinking of most of the influential psychologists, psychiatrists, educators, and social planners who would follow in the 20th century.2
One man who marched to Wundt’s dirge was the Russian, Ivan Petrovich Pavlov. Pavlov conducted a wide-ranging research into techniques of control, primarily using dogs for his experimentation. In the now-famous experiment, Pavlov fed his dogs, stimulating salivation, while at the same time ringing a bell. After doing this many times, Pavlov was able to stimulate salivation in reaction to the sound of the bell alone. Other of Pavlov’s experiments involved rewarding dogs with petting, or punishing them with pain. Using these kinds of approaches, Pavlov developed his theory of the conditioned reflex, demonstrating that animals are motivated by patterns of conditioned response, and that conditioning can be artificially induced. The results of Pavlov’s experiments did not escape the social planners of his day, nor those who would follow.
1. “Germany—History Since 1850,” Encyclopedia Americana. New York: Americana Corporation, 1963
2. Lionni, Paolo. The Leipzig Connection. Sheridan, Oregon: Delphian Press, 1988; “Germany—History Since 1850”; Wood, Samuel and Ellen Green. The World of Psychology, third edition, at; Weiten, Wayne. “A New Science is Born: The Contributions of Wundt and Hall,” Psychology: Themes and Variations. 3rd edition, at
Chapter 2
Perfecting Inhumanity
A time-dishonored approach to the manipulation of man kind is through the philosophy and techniques of eugenics. This is the attempted ‘perfecting’ of humanity through genetic means: selective breeding, sterilization, biological manipulation, and even murder for those considered unfit.
The study of eugenics has its beginning in Germany, sometime after the mid-19th century mark, stimulated by volkish concerns for Aryan racial purity. Rudolf Virchow, pathologist and politician, began a study of national ethnic statistics in 1871, convinced that the majority of Germans would prove to be of relatively pure Nordic descent. The results of his studies proved otherwise. According to Virchow, the obvious solution was to set about Nordicizing the debased German stock.1
The popularity of eugenics theories was given a jump-start in England by Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin. In 1869 Galton published his book Hereditary Genius, that Cornell University anthropology professor Davydd Greenwood has called “an impassioned brief for hereditary aristocracy that became the first modern document of the modern eugenics movement.” Galton was the man who launched the ‘nature vs. nurture’ debate that quietly rages today, arguing for the domination of innate rather than acquired human abilities. It was Galton’s opinion that the human race could be improved by selective breeding and the extermination of the unfit. Galton once said that he hoped that eugenics would become “the religion of the future." In the latter part of the century, with endeavors like the Human Genome Project that seeks to map the entirety of human DNA, his hope seems to be moving toward fulfillment.
Galton’s theories were influenced in part by his examination of the family trees of eminent stuffed shirts in England. He noted that most persons of accomplishment were related to each other—an aristocratic theory of intelligence—thus theoretically putting the aristocracy on a genetic pedestal and rationalizing a stratified society, or caste system, in Britain and the world.
Even the name of the subject betrays something of its orientation. Galton derived the word eugenics from the Greek ‘eugenes’ meaning ‘well born.’ This aggrandizement of the privileged class was one of the reasons why eugenics research found ready support from the monied in both America and Europe; it justified their disdain for and parasitism of “the masses.”2
Chairs in Eugenics and Eugenics in Working Society were established at the University College in London in 1904, with the Galton Laboratory for National Eugenics founded in 1907. In 1905, in the United States, the Rockefellers and Carnegies constructed the
Eugenics Records Office at Cold Springs Harbor, New York, where genetic research (none dare call it eugenics) is still being done in 1999.3
In 1912 the first International Congress of Eugenics was convened at the University of London, presided over by its president, who also happened to be Charles Darwin’s son. Vice Presidents of the Congress included the First Lord of the Admiralty, Winston Churchill; M. von Gruber, Professor of Hygiene at Munich University; Dr. Alfred Ploetz, President of the International Society for Race Hygiene; Charles W. Eliot, President Emeritus of Harvard, and the inventor of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell.
The second International Congress of Eugenics was held in 1921, sponsored by U.S. Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover and the presidents of Clark University, Smith College, and the Carnegie Institution. Other prominent supporters of eugenics of the period—who will loom large in the history of control to follow—included many members of the American Eastern establishment, particularly of the Eastern Establishment Dulles and Harriman families.
From 1907 to 1960 more than 100,000 persons were eugenically sterilized in over thirty states in the United States. It is unlikely that the well-known and horrific Nazi approach to eugenics, brutally carried out in laboratories and concentration camps during World War II and reportedly claiming hundreds of thousands of victims, would have taken place without eugenics theory having been earlier popularized by British and American scientists and media, and funded by American and British money interests.4
German eugenics studies were organized and bankrolled by the family-run Rockefeller Foundation and its allies in medicine, industry, and politics, with large grants provided to the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry and the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Eugenics, and Human Heredity, in Munich. The latter facility was run by the fascist Swiss psychiatrist Ernst Rudin and his underlings Otmar Verschuer and Franz J. Kallmann. In 1932, Ernst Rudin was named president of the worldwide Eugenics Federation. Rockefeller funding for eugenics research in Germany would continue during World War II, the stated justification being that the war should not impede scientific research.
The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute’s eugenics studies were initially endowed by Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, the head of the Krupp munitions monolith, and James Loeb, of the Kuhn-Loeb banking family. Loeb’s relatives, the Warburgs, were banking partners of William Rockefeller, and both families were responsible for setting up the American Harriman family—also movers and shakers in eugenics—in business.
Although we know little about what took place in German laboratories researching mind control and brainwashing during this period, there are some hints. In 1933, the German Reichstag building was burned. In the time-honored tradition of “the patsy,” a Dutchman, a mental patient named Marinus Van der Lubbe, was arrested and charged with the crime. Psychiatric reports called Van der Lubbe an unstable but happy man, who lived as a vagabond and entertained notions of changing the world. In court, however, Van der Lubbe seemed nothing of the sort, appearing almost completely apathetic, responding dully to questions.
On the forty-second day of the trial, Van der Lubbe suddenly made a remarkable change. Now he began excitedly talking about “inner voices” that commanded him. He demanded that he be put to death, and then just as suddenly slumped back into apathy.
Van der Lubbe was convicted by the court and executed. Subsequent events made it clear, however, that it was members of the Nazi party itself who had burned the Reichstag. It is not outside the realm of possibility that Van der Lubbe had been brainwashed to take the fall, as many other patsies have been programmed to do in the years that have ensued.6
After Hitler took control in Germany, Rudin’s organizational structure was internalized as part of the Nazi political machine. Rudin was appointed head of the Nazi Racial Hygiene Society, with he and his staff joining the Task Force on Heredity, chaired by Himmler, the group that was to institute the infamous Nazi sterilization laws.
One of Rudin’s employees was Josef Mengele, also known as “the Angel of Death,” who was to become the medical commandant of Auschwitz and perform his own horrific experimentation upon inmates of the camp.
In 1936, the direct predecessor of the CIA’s more famous MKULTRA mind control operation was launched at the New York State Psychiatric Institute, funded by the Freemasonic Scottish Rite Northern Supreme Council, and supervised by Dr. Nolan D.C. Lewis, the Masonic Field Representative of Research on Dementia Praecox. The program was directed by Winfred Overhulser, a prominent Freemason and the superintendent of St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Washington, D.C, where much CIA mind control experimentation would later take place. In 1943, Overhulser went on to become the chairman of the “truth drug” committee for the OSS, among the earliest mind control research programs instituted by American intelligence.
In 1936, Ernst Rudin’s assistant Dr. Franz Kallmann, after being exposed in Germany as being half-Jewish, emigrated to America where he established the Medical Genetics Department of the New York State Psychiatric Institute, an operation also funded by the Scottish Rite.
In the preface to his Masonic-funded study of schizophrenics, Kallmann wrote that schizophrenics were a “source of maladjusted crooks...and the lowest types of criminal offenders. Even the faithful believers in liberty... would be happier without those.” He added, “I am reluctant to admit the necessity for different eugenics
programs for democratic and fascistic communities... There are neither biological nor sociological differences between a democratic and a totalitarian schizophrenic.”7
After World War II, Otmar Vershuer—who had procured funds for Mengele’s experimentation at Auschwitz—was hired by the Rockefeller-funded Bureau of Human Heredity in Denmark, and Rudin, Vershuer, and Kallmann participated in founding the still-active American Society of Human Genetics. Kallman was elected director of the organization and would hold that position until 1965. The American Society of Human Genetics is primarily responsible for the current $3 billion Human Genome Project—headquartered at Cold Springs Harbor, the historical center of American eugenics study that is in the forefront of the news today.
The relation of eugenics to British psychiatry bears examination. The primary controlling body for psychiatry in England is the British National Association for Mental Health (NAMH), formed in 1944, and initially run by the mentally-unstable Montagu Norman, previously of the Bank of England. The group originally met at Norman’s London home, where he and Nazi Economics Minister Hjalmar Schacht had met in the 1930s to arrange financing for Hitler.
NAMH is a renaming and public relations sanitization of the National Councils of Mental Hygiene, earlier one of the primary proponents for eugenics programs worldwide, and a group that broadly collaborated with Nazi eugenics practitioners prior to World War II. It can be seen that the current British psychiatric establishment proceeds in a direct line from the earlier eugenics establishment, much the same as the majority of movers and shapers in American politics have come from eugenics pro-active families.
In 1948, NAMH joined forces with the United Nations and the Tavistock Institute, a long term collaboration between British military intelligence and psychiatry. NAMH and Tavistock convened an International Congress of Mental Health at the Ministry of Health in London. A World Federation of Mental Health was formed there to coordinate planetary psychological operations. The head of the World Federation was chosen: Brigadier General Dr. John Rawlings Reese, who was also the head of Tavistock. Co-director was Frank Fremont-Smith, the chief medical officer of the Macy Foundation, an organization that was later to be a primary funding source for the CIA’s MKULTRA mind control projects. Vice presidents of NAMH included Tavistock psychiatrist and eugenics activist Professor Cyril Burt; Dr. Hugh Crichton-Miller, a founder of Tavistock; psychiatrist Sir David Henderson, author of Psychiatry and Race Betterment; Lord Thomas Jeeves Horder, the president of the Eugenics Society of Great Britain and the Family Planning Association; pro-Nazi psychiatrist Carl G. Jung, who was also the psychiatrist for the Dulles family; Dr. Winfred Overhulser, representative of the Scottish Rite Masons; and Dr. Alfred Frank Tredgold, of the British Ministry of Health’s Committee on Sterilization.
Although eugenics organizations and activists sought deep cover after the defeat of Hitler, something of the stench of the death camps clinging to the subject, the same programs to weed out the “inferiors” from mankind would continue, with the same personnel or their successors in charge of the programs. Working out of the family offices of the Rockefellers in the United States, the Eugenics Society now metamorphosized into the Society for the Study of Social Biology.8
Although it has been a carefully guarded secret by the watchdogs of the mainstream media, eugenics programs were never discontinued worldwide, with involuntary sterilization programs continuing in many countries to this day. Information has only recently surfaced that sterilization programs for those considered to be unfit because of genetics or behavior continued to exist in Scandinavia and in France until the 1970s. At the same time, massive involuntary sterilization programs continue to be implemented in the third world.
Eugenics practice has continued in Australia, where more than one thousand
“intellectually disabled” women have been illegally sterilized since 1991. The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission discovered that 1,043 sterilization operations—only 17 of them approved by the court, as mandated by Australian law—had been performed. The number of such operations may in fact have been “several times” as high, since only operations performed using medical insurance were registered.9
In 1974 Federal District Court Judge Gerhard Gesell estimated that ‘over the last few years’ between 100,000 and 150,000 low-income persons had been sterilized under federally funded programs in the United States. Gesell stated ‘an indefinite number’ of those sterilized were ‘improperly coerced’ into accepting sterilization.10
One of the prime target groups for sterilization in the United States has been the Native American population. According to Ruthann Evanoff, in an article titled
“Reproductive Rights and Occupational Health” states that, “Overall, at least twenty-five percent of the Native women of childbearing age have been sterilized, although the total population numbers less than one million. Recent reports estimate that the percentage sterilized in one tribe alone, the Northern Cheyenne, is eighty percent.”11
An oft-cited justification for current eugenics practice is the elimination of violence in society. At this time millions of dollars are being spent on research into the control of violence through genetic means. In 1992, a report was produced jointly by the National Academy of Science and the National Research Council, titled
“Understanding and Preventing Violence.” Among the groups funding the report were the Centers for Disease Control, the U.S. Justice Department, and the National Science Foundation. The report suggested that more studies should be done on
“biological and genetic factors in violent crime,” and suggested that the higher crime rates among black males might come from a genetic predisposition.12
In England, concerns are similar. The Department of Health has recently commissioned research into a “delinquency gene” called “Fragile X.” According to the London Sunday Times, it is believed by some scientists that one in every 259 women carry the defective Fragile X, which causes a lack of brain protein, resulting in anti-social behavior. Health officials are planning to engage in mass screenings so that women who carry the defective gene can be alerted and induced to abort their children.13
1. Hillel and Henry. Of Pure Blood. New York: Pocket Books, 1975
2. Tweedy, Michael, “Francis Galton: The Man and his Science,” University of Calgary Course Notes; Reilly, Phillip R. “A Look Back at Eugenics,” The Gene Letter, Volume 1, issue 3, at; Lapon, Lenny. Mass Murderers in White Coats (From Harvard to Buchenwald: A Chronology of Psychiatry and Eugenics); Kuhl, Stefan. The Nazi Connection—Eugenics, American Racism, and German National Socialism. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994
3. Chaitkin, Anton, “British Psychiatry: From Eugenics to Assassination,” EIR, October 7, 1994.
4. Lapon
5. Chaitkin
6. Meerloo, Joost A.M. The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing. New York: World Publishing Company, 1956
7. Chaitkin
8. Chaitkin; Reisman, Phd., Judith A. Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences. Arlington, Virginia: The Institute for Media Education, Inc., 1998; “Editorial: Ernst Rudin,
1874-1952,” American Journal of Medical Genetics, Volume 67, number 4; Chaitkin, Anton, “Population Control, Nazis, and the U.N.!”
9. “More Than 1,000 OZ Girls/Young Women Illegally Sterilized” by Michael Perry, December 15, 1997, Reuters news service
10. Mehler, Barry, “In Genes We Trust: When Science Bows to Racism," Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology, The Public Eye, March 1995
11. Evanoff, Ruthann, “Reproductive Rights and Occupational Health,” WIN magazine, undated clipping
12. “Recent FDA Decision Highlights Ethical Issues in Drug Research On Children,” Peter R. Breggin, M.D., otherwise unattributed clipping
13. Neill, Patricia, “Mass Testing for ‘Delinquency’ Gene,’ Parascope, at
Chapter 3
Dumbing Us to Death
An ideological Fifth Column subverted American education in the early days of the twentieth century, with the leader of the movement Daniel Coit Gilman, the first president of Johns Hopkins University and the Carnegie Institute. Gilman studied at the University of Berlin in 1854-55, at the same time that Wilhelm Wundt taught there. After Gilman, Wundt’s materialist spin on the subjects of the mind and soul—or lack thereof—would dominate the thinking of the most influential of American educators. The result was that children would soon after be viewed as something akin to lab rats, to be put through mazes, their characters molded at the whims of the “educational” totalitarians.
Another form of Germanic thinking informed Gilman’s views: he was a member of the Skull & Bones society. Skull & Bones is a highly secret, ritualistic society based at Yale University that has been called “The most powerful organization in America.”
Incredibly, Skull & Bones may be a front for that most mysterious of secret societies, the Illuminati. The German organization from which Skull & Bones obtained its charter appeared within a year after the outlawing of Adam Weishaupt’s group in Bavaria and, additionally, an inscription found in the sanctum sanctorum of the Bonesmen at Yale is nearly identical in wording to that of a ceremony cited in Proofs of a Conspiracy, an early condemnation of the Illuminati by Robison. Like the Illuminati, Skull & Bones initiates refer to the group as “the Order.”1
Since the formation of Skull & Bones about 2,500 persons have been inducted into the secret group, with a small group of Eastern Establishment families forming the core of the group. These families include the Allen, Bundy, Gilman, Perkins, Wadsworth, Phelps, and Lord families. Other families who rose to wealth in the 18th and 19th century have been added to this group, including the Harriman, Davison, Rockefeller, Payne, Pillsbury, and Weyerhauser families. A third group—not Bonesmen—have acted as intermediaries between Skull & Bones and the financial hub of London. This group includes the Warburg, Schiff, Guggenheim, and Meyer families.
Undoubtedly the most important influence that Skull & Bones has had on the world is through the world of politics. Since the turn of the century the direction of American statecraft has been largely steered by prominent Bonesmen from the Harriman, Bundy, Taft, Stimson, Bush, and other families, although I do not recommend that you hold our breath waiting for the establishment media to avail you of this fact.
According to accounts of the time, members of Skull & Bones took over the administration of Yale University in the late 1800s while Daniel Coit Gilman was employed there, and it is reported that all presidents of Yale since that time have been either Bonesmen or closely affiliated with the group.
Yale and Skull & Bones have provided fertile recruiting grounds for American intelligence agencies, with an in-house club for Bonesmen existing in the CIA, according to Covert Action Information Bulletin. The term “spook,” CIA jargon applied to spies, in fact was a Yale expression designating a member of a campus secret society.2
After becoming head of Johns Hopkins University, Daniel Coit Gilman hired another Wundt-trained specialist who not-coincidentally happened to be a Bonesman. This was G. Stanley Hall, who took over the psychological lab at the university. Hall also founded the American Psychological Association and the American Journal of Psychology, and mentored the career of Fabian Socialist and New World educator John Dewey.
Dewey, who went on to become the most influential teacher of this century, also studied under George Sylvester Morris, an Hegelian philosopher who had taken his doctorate at the University of Berlin under the same teachers as Gilman. Dewey was among the first to promote school as a mechanism for the creation of a Socialist world order, and as a forum for enforcing “conformity” of the masses rather than as a place to learn the three ‘R’s. In 1899 Dewey said, “Children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society which is coming where everyone is interdependent.”
One reason for the success of Dewey’s “progressive education” is that it was backed to the hilt by Rockefeller and Carnegie money. Dewey for many years was the honorary president of the National Education Association, founded in 1857. The group was founded as a lobbying organization for teachers but soon aligned itself behind a scarlet psycho-political banner of “progressive education”—a delightful-sounding term that conceals the brainwashing modus operandi pioneered by the Soviets. By the turn of the century the NEA was working in full support of Dewey’s plans, advocating the dumbing down of the masses into a malleable unit, as well as a one world Fabian Socialist view. A 1934 NEA report avowed, “A dying laissez-faire must be completely destroyed and all of us, including the ‘owners,’ must be subjected to a large degree of social control.”
This one-worldly view persists in current NEA literature, but it has been re-contextualized in recent times as a “liberal” viewpoint. The group now issues the following pronunciamento in its NEA journal: “The teacher ...can do much to prepare the hearts and minds of children for global understanding and cooperation... At the very top of all the agencies which will assure the coming of world government must stand the school, the teacher, and the organized profession.”3
Another American student of Wundt was James McKeen Cattell, who was Wundt’s assistant in Leipzig in the years 1883-86. Cattell was also deeply influenced by Francis Galton, the founder of eugenics. In 1891 Cattell took over the psychology department at Columbia University, and spent the rest of his life disseminating Wundtian/eugenics doctrine through an abundance of magazines and reference works he edited and wrote.4
These and other materialist Wundtians and Fabian one-worlders, funded by the Rockefellers, the Carnegies, and others intent on the suppression and pacification of the populace of the world, completely remade the face of American education in the twentieth century. The agenda that they pursued has culminated in the all-too-familiar situation of American education today in which the majority of persons graduated from high school are functionally illiterate and ill-prepared for doing anything else than saying “yes” to Big Brother and his tele-screens.
From the standpoint of the social controllers there are many advantages to keeping the populace stupid, not the least being that the less intelligent a person is, the more susceptible he is to exterior control.
Currently, one of the primary thrusts in American educational brainwashing goes by a variety of names, including Mastery Learning, World Class Education, Common Core of Learning, and Outcome Based Education, but which is most commonly referred to as Goals 2000. Written into law by Bill Clinton in 1994, Rockefeller monies have launched literally hundreds of books into the educational market pushing Goals 2000. Promoted by the National Education Association, the literature describes Goals 2000 as “an Academic/Behavior Modification Plan based on control theory/reality therapy.” The simple purpose of Goals 2000 is populace control and promotion of the totalitarian world order.
Instead of teaching children the academic skills that most parents favor, Goals 2000 and its educational offshoots emphasize “life adjustment skills,” “family-life education,” and “environmental stewardship.” Academic study is de-emphasized while “cooperative” attitudes are mandated, including attitudes which significantly seem to bolster a eugenics agenda in the mind of the child, such as the attempted normalizing of homosexuality and playboyism, and abortion as a form of birth control.
Providing a hint of what the future of American ‘education’ is going to be like is a Goals 2000 program that has been adopted in forty states: the “Parents as Teachers” (PAT) program. It is a program that would be more aptly termed the
“Teachers as Parents” program. Under this plan children are given a personal computer code number by which they can be tracked for the entirety of their life, and a “parent educator” visits the homes of students a minimum of eight times a year to see that Mom and Dad are giving Junior his tranquilizers and doing their bit in programming a good little robot.
Another offshoot of Goals 2000 is ‘the Oregon Option,’ which was signed into being on December 5, 1994 by the entire Clinton cabinet and members of the Oregon Congressional delegation. This program was developed by the administrations of former Oregon governors Mark Hatfield and Neil Goldschmidt, and was drafted under the direction of Goldschmidt, a member of the Trilateral Commission. Persons backing the plan include members of the Council on Foreign Relations, the World Bank, the Carnegie Foundation, and the RAND Corporation. One of the main thrusts of the Oregon Option is to seamlessly transition children from school into the industrial workforce, with apprenticeships provided by large corporations.
Again, under the Oregon Option all children conceived in Oregon are entered into a huge database. All expectant parents will be required to attend parenting classes. Once the child is attending school, home visits will be undertaken by school teachers and administrators to determine if the family is fit for rearing the child. Those families deemed to be unfit, or offering “developmental neglect,” can be ripped asunder, with children shunted into foster homes or state-run facilities.5
Furthering the goals of the social planners, perhaps the most destructive current trend of the educational establishment is the wholesale drugging of students. Drugs, especially amphetamines and Ritalin, are commonly used to dose school-children throughout America. Ritalin is a highly dangerous stimulant that is, according to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, more addictive than cocaine. It also has a wide variety of other negative side effects, including nausea, insomnia, the inhibition of growth, nervous tics, and potential brain damage.
A current estimate of the number of U.S. schoolchildren being drugged with Ritalin is three to five percent, or in excess of two million kids! Since most of the children to whom the drug is given are male, it has been estimated that 10 to 12 percent of all male school children in the U.S. between the ages of six and fourteen are being zombified with Ritalin.
This drugging is being done because of alleged brain malfunctions that cause the children to be “hyperkinetic” or “hyperactive.” In most cases the children have been diagnosed by their teachers, almost none of whom who have the medical credentials to do such an assessment.
The main problems that drugs are supposedly used to handle are classed as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). These conditions have in fact never been proven to exist outside of the imagination of medicos and sociatrists, but instead are catchalls that include a wide variety of common childhood problems including inability to concentrate, nervousness, fidgeting, interrupting people, and disciplinary problems. No consistent brain abnormalities have been demonstrated to be linked to ADD or ADHD, although brain disorders including cortical atrophy have been shown to have been caused in some cases by long term treatment with Ritalin and other drugs commonly-prescribed for children.
The symptoms that ‘educators’ are treating with drugs may in fact have nothing to do with congenital brain defects, as they have argued, but with a number of other less mysterious factors including:
• Poor nutrition, fostered by parents either too poor, irresponsible, or dumbed down themselves to provide decent food for their kids; encouraged by a criminal food production industry more intent on moving cheap, sugar-coated, chemically-dyed, pesticide-poisoned swill than in providing healthy food. Sugar, pesticides, and chemical additives may be a key factor in causing what is termed ADD and ADHD.
• Television and other media. Kids are estimated to watch six hours per day of an electronic medium deliberately designed to foster a short attention span, with quick three-to-five second visual cuts purposely stimulating the kind of artificial agitation that induces a child to respond to commercials. Is it any wonder that these kids have a short attention span?
• Another negative aspect of the pop media is the abundance of sexual and violent images disseminated via TV, movies, hyper-violent video games like Mortal Kombat, and music with violent/sexual ‘gangsta’ ghetto rap. There are many studies showing that when television is introduced to a community that violent acts double over the course of a few years.
As an example of the character of current media that is aimed at children, while waiting in an office recently I was surprised to find a depiction of full female nudity when I picked up a “Batman” comic for the first time in many years. Far be it from me to put down female nudity, but such images are certain to provide a potent distraction to children entering puberty, as well as to encourage a eugenics-friendly
“Playboyism,” of the kind advocated by Hugh Hefner, himself an admitted acolyte of eugenicist Alfred Kinsey.
• Families who have taken the Dr. Spock or New Age amalgam to heart are another source of problems in childhood discipline. For a kid whose role model is Tupac, Ice-T, KISS, or Marilyn Manson, and whose fantasies are fed by the quick-cut, toxified kink of M-TV, ‘Time out’ is not going to be an effective disciplinary action.
• Little parental contact with kids at all. The prevailing economy, regardless of the praises of Rapegate Bill, is designed so that both parents usually have to slave full time, leaving very few moments for contact with the kids. The situation of the single parent family is usually worse.
Finally, there is a problem with the nature of public schooling itself, which does not challenge children to learn or to think creatively, but instead indoctrinates them to conform to their prison-like surroundings. I personally would not like to endure again the circumstances of regimentation and immobilization—sitting at an uncomfortable desk with hands folded and mouth clamped shut for hours every day—that children are forced to put up with in public schools. I would also not relish again being forced to drag my eyes over and memorize deadly-dull texts that no sane adult would ever read if given a choice in the matter. In circumstances like these, it is no surprise that any child with an ounce of wit or energy would rebel and begin to longingly ogle his father’s gun cabinet.6
These are some of the real causes of ADD and ADHD in school, symptoms for which children are being treated with Ritalin and other addictive drugs. A dramatic example of the results of drugging children may have been played out on April 20, 1999, in Littleton, Colorado, when two young men in black trench coats systematically killed 12 of their schoolmates, and then themselves. Eric Harris, one of the shooters, had been turned down from joining the Marines a scant five days prior when they were informed that he was being prescribed the psychiatric antidepressant drug fluvoxamine maleate, or Luvox, a chemical relative of Ritalin. The American Journal of Psychiatry reports that “Our observations confirm the efficacy of fluvoxamine [Luvox] in the treatment of depression but suggest that this drug can induce mania in some patients when it is given at a normal dose.” The coroner’s report showed that Harris had therapeutic levels of Luvox in his bloodstream at the time of the shooting, and friends of Harris state that the young man was attempting to quit using the drug in the days prior to the shooting.7
There is no indication that the drugging of children is going to diminish in the near future. Quite the contrary.
In an address by James Basco at the National School Boards Association, he said,“In my crystal ball, I see that the teacher of the 21st century will not be trained in schools of education as we know them today but rather will be trained in a school which is an amalgam of contemporary schools of education, medicine and pharmacy. A considerable portion of the teacher’s training will be devoted to understanding physiology and psychopharmacology, which will equip the teacher to administer drugs which affect learning and learning-related behaviors.”8
Nor should we be surprised. Since the advent of “progressive education” schools have not been intended to educate, but simply to regiment.
1. Sutton, Antony C. America’s Secret Establishment. Billings, Montana: Liberty House Press, 1986; Lionni, Paolo. The Leipzig Connection. Sheridan, Oregon: Delphian Press, 1988; Millegan, Kris, “The Order of the Skull & Bones,” Parascope, at; Robison, John. Proofs of a Conspiracy. Los Angeles: Western Islands, 1967
2. Goldstein and Steinberg, “George Bush, Skull & Bones and the New World Order: A New American View,” International Edition White Paper; Millegan, Kris, “The Order of the Skull & Bones,” Parascope at
3. Samuelson, Eric, “A Brief Chronology of Collectivism,” October 1997; Sutton; Lionni; Stormer, John. None Dare Call It Treason... 25 Years Later. Liberty Bell Press: Florrisant, Missouri, 1992; Allen, Gary. The Rockefeller File. Seal Beach, California: ’76 Press, 1976
4. Sutton; Lionni
5. “Sinister Oregon Plan Underway to Control Children & Families,” Paul Richmond—Sightings at
6. Scanlon, Dana S., “Menticide Against the Children of America,” The New Federalist, May 13, 1996
7. Weller, Robert, “25 May Be Dead in School Shooting,” Associated Press, April 20, 1999; American Journal of Psychiatry, September, 1991; KCNC News 4, Denver, Colorado, May 4, 1999; Reuters news service. May 6, 1999
8. Basco, James, cited in Packard, Vance. The People Shapers. New York: Bantam Books, 1977
Chapter 4 Tavistock
One prominent locus of world control—its influence spreading through the media, the scientific establishment, corporations, governments, and the military—is the Tavistock Institute. Tavistock, a collaborative effort of British military intelligence and the psychiatric establishment, was created in 1921 reportedly on the orders of members of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (also known as Chatham House). The RIIA is an arm of the British Rhodes Round Table group, founded by British imperialist and Freemason Cecil Rhodes. The Round Table, functioning through a myriad of offshoots, has been this century’s most effective proponent for the creation of a one world government. Tavistock relies on grants for its operations from the Rockefellers, Carnegies, the British Home Office, and large anonymous grants.
Initially run by British military intelligence officer Major John Rawlings, from its inception Tavistock was intended as a coordinating center for planetary social control using “psychological shock troops,” a term coined by Reese. These shock troops in white lab coats have farmed out across the planet, infiltrating organizations in order to implement policies deemed productive by the organization’s strategists.
At core Tavistock consists of Freemasonic British intelligence agents collaborating with the hydra heads of world psychiatry to achieve two goals:
1. A one world order where the nation state has been abolished and a single totalitarian control center established.
2. The simultaneous psychological control of the world or, using their term, “societry.” Even the official literature of Tavistock is candid in admitting its broad world mind control orientation.1
In 1932 German psychologist Kurt Lewin, one of the creators of the American OSS intelligence network, precursor to the CIA—took over the steering of Tavistock from Reese. Lewin was an early proponent of the use of trauma for reprogramming both individuals and societies, his modus operandi possibly more than merely an analog of the Freemasonic dictum “Ordo Ab Chao,” meaning “order out of chaos.”
Lewin’s theory was the origin and definition of the concept of Future Shock, written by Tavistock-associated Alvin Toffler, although Toffler promotes the idea that current cultural deconstruction and leveling is an accident. It is not.
This Tavistock signature approach, this “Future Shock” deprogramming of the subject to a vegetative state through torture and trauma, for subsequent reprogramming—is the recurring methodology for world mind control as well as cultural programming in the 20th century.
Dr. William Sargent of the Tavistock Institute, reported to have been at the time working in the CIA’s MKULTRA mind control program, in his 1957 book Battle for the Mind—A Physiology of Coversion and Brain-Washing elaborated on Lewin’s theories by stating:
“Various beliefs can be implanted in many people after brain function has been sufficiently disturbed by accidentally or deliberately induced fear, anger, or excitement. Of the results caused by such disturbances, the most common one is temporarily impaired judgement and heightened suggestibility. Its various group manifestations are sometimes classed under the heading of ‘herd instinct,’ and appear most spectacularly in wartime, during severe epidemics, and in all similar periods of common danger, which increase anxiety and so individual and mass suggestibility.”
During World War II, Tavistock ran the British Psychological Warfare Directorate, and the group maintained its military orientation after the war. Tavistock agents have penetrated American intelligence agencies, psychiatric institutions, industry, media, and political organisms, firmly guiding those bodies in alignment with the purposes of the Tavistock controllers.2
Spreading out from Tavistock, agents have been present at the creation of institutional centers such as the Stanford Research Institute’s Center for Advanced Behavioral Sciences, the Sloan School at MIT, the Wharton School of Finance and Business Administration at the University of Pennsylvania, the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan, and other locations. The Tavistock network has also influenced and penetrated such groups as Esalen, the RAND Corporation, the Hudson Institute, and the Heritage Foundation.
A key thrust of Tavistock has been accomplished by the National Training Laboratories, sponsoring group “encounter” or “sensitivity” programs involved in breaking down an individual’s personality and reconstructing it along lines agreeable to the group—a microcosmic intervention intended to gradually bring about the macrocosm of the New World Order. It is estimated that millions of persons have been put through this type of “processing,” including most of America’s corporate leaders and officials from the State Department, the Navy, the Department of Education, and the National Education Association.
Although touted as a tool for personal and organizational liberation, sensitivity programs are also an effective tool for control along the lines the group leader desires, as has been effectively demonstrated through the use of similar methods in cubic groups such as those of Charles Manson and Jim Jones.3
Tavistock is invariably portrayed in its literature as being a non-political organism, but the lie is apparent. As an example, one recent Tavistock project is SMARTCARDS, a pilot program done in collaboration with Manchester Metropolitan University on behalf of the European Commission.
This project for putting a person’s work history and skills including academic accreditation onto a single ID card is being carried out in Europe and America, and is intended to gradually facilitate the creation of a universally-policed and regulated world economic system.4
1. Dicks, Henry Victor. Fifty Years of the Tavistock Clinic. London, England: Routledge & K. Paul, 1970; Wolfe, L., “The Tavistock roots of the ‘Aquarian Conspiracy’,” EIR, June 5, 1987; Coleman, Dr. John. Conspirator’s Hierarchy: The Story of the Committee of 300. Carson City, Nevada: America West Publishers, 1992; “Tavistock—The Best Kept Secret in America” at
2. Chaitkin, Anton, “British Psychiatry: From Eugenics to Assassination,” EIR, October 7, 1994; Steinberg, Jeffrey, “‘Anticipatory democracy’ : Britain’s Tavistock Institute brainwashed Newt." EIR, January 12, 1996
3. “Will You Allow Your Child to Be Spiritually Molested?,” The New Federalist
4. EDRU, Educational Development and Review Unit white paper of the Tavistock Institute
Chapter 5
Injecting Ideology
We are only being told what they want us to know.
Probably the most effective method of control ever discovered is simple information management. This technique consists of withholding information, disseminating lies (disinformation) or providing misdirection so that we cannot fully comprehend the reality that we deal with, and the forces that shape our lives. These deceptive views are projected to the populace through various communications media, but primarily by television, radio, motion pictures, newspapers, magazines, and the Internet.
A gauge of elitist thinking on the topic of media control is provided in the work of Edward Bernays, a close friend of New World Order mastermind H.G. Wells. Bernays wrote Crystallizing Public Opinion (1928), Propaganda (1928), and The Engineering of Consent (1955). In Propaganda, Bernays wrote:
“As civilization becomes more complex, and as the need for invisible government has been increasingly demonstrated, the technical means have been invented and developed by which public opinion may be regimented. With printing press and newspaper, the telephone, telegraph, radio and airplanes, ideas can be spread rapidly, and even simultaneously, across the whole of America.
“We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. What ever attitude one chooses to take toward this condition, it remains a fact that in almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by a relatively small number of persons, a trifling fraction of our hundred and twenty million, who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind, and who harness social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world.”
Far from disapproving of this manipulation, Bernays felt that it was vital for the masses to be controlled by propaganda:
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in a democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power in our country.”
Bernays also participated in the crafting of American psychological warfare programs. It is hardly surprising that he was put in charge of the CBS communications network in its early days.
The single factor that most enables control of the media and its use as a tool of propaganda is monopolistic ownership. Ninety-eight percent of the 1,700 daily newspapers in America are owned by fewer than 15 corporations, with Time, Inc. taking in about 40% of the total revenues. The three major TV networks, ABC, CBS, and NBC still have the majority of the television watching audience.1
Monopolistic ownership is reinforced through additional interlocking controls and failsafe systems. These include the membership of media bosses and workers in such conclaves as the Council on Foreign Relations; Skull & Bones; the Trilateral Commission; and the Bilderbergers, among other groups. Many of the members of these organizations hold memberships in other related elitist social, political, and business groups, insuring coherent action amongst these ruling classmates. Membership in one or more of these groups is virtually required to obtain entree to the highest levels of success in the Western world.
One is reminded of the statement of ex-CIA director William Colby, although he was speaking specifically of the American intelligence community:
“Socially as well as professionally they cliqued together, forming a sealed fraternity. They ate together at their own special favorite restaurants; they partied almost only among themselves; their families drifted to each other, so their defenses did not always have to be up. In this way they increasingly separated themselves from the ordinary world and developed a rather skewed view of that world. Their own dedicated double life became the proper norm, and they looked down on the life of the rest of the citizenry.”2
According to author G. William Domhoff in The Higher Circles:
“[T]he power elite have created and developed that wonderful field of public relations on an incredible scale. Some of the early practitioners of this art helped scrub up the images of the ‘Robber Barons’ families; others specialized in the corporate image and the corporate conscience. Functionally speaking, the public relations departments of large corporations, in conjunction with the giant public relations firms that service many corporations, have become the early warning system of the upper class, picking up and countering the slightest remark or publication that makes funny lines on their sensitive radar. Thanks to them public opinion is well-monitored, with an assist of course from the alert social scientists in certain university institutes financed by the big corporations and foundations. Wayward opinions, once detected, are duly corrected by a barrage of printed matter and public pronouncements...”3
Intelligence agency penetration of the media began at the same time as the forming of the American media conglomerates in the first half of this century. One of the first and most successful control operations of the media was launched in 1919 with the creation of RCA by Westinghouse, Morgan Guaranty and Trust, General Electric, and the United Fruit Company. In 1929 David Sarnoff, a close associate of Tavistock, was appointed head of RCA. Shortly afterward, British Intelligence set up the “Black Chamber” intelligence operation in the RCA building in New York, under the direction of Sir William Stephenson (Code name: “Intrepid”) and General Marlborough Churchill, a relative of Winston Churchill. General Churchill would later be instrumental in founding the Macy Organization, which would be used as a funding conduit for CIA MKULTRA mind control operations. All three major American television networks were offspring of RCA.4
The information war entered a new realm of effectiveness in the 1930s when the Rockefeller Foundation launched “secret psychological war projects” to shape public opinion. According to Christopher Simpson, author of Science of Coercion:
“[They were] a remarkably tight circle of men and women who shared several important conceptions about mass communications research. They regarded mass communication as a tool for social management and as a weapon in social conflict, and they expressed common assumptions concerning the usefulness of quantitative research—particularly experimental and quasi-experimental effects research, opinion surveys, and quantitative content analysis as a means of illuminating what communication ‘is’ and improving its application to social management.”5
At about the same time that the Rockefeller’s media manipulation programs went into overdrive, the Office of Strategic Services and the Office of War Information began recruiting “the best and the brightest” from American intelligentsia for initiation into the ranks of spookdom, as well as inserting their agents into powerful positions in the mass media, in politics, and in the universities. A survey of Office of War Information alumni working in the media in the early 1950s included:
“The publishers of Time, Look, Fortune and several dailies; editors of such magazines as Holiday, Coronet, Parade, and the Saturday Review, editors of the Denver Post, New Orleans Times-Picayune, and others; the heads of the Viking Press, Harper & Brothers, and Farr, Strauss and Young; two Hollywood Oscar winners; a two-time Pulitzer prize winner; the board chairman of CBS and a dozen key network executives; President Eisenhower’s chief speech writer; the editor of Reader’s Digest international editions; at least six partners of large advertising agencies; and a dozen noted social scientists...chief of the U.S. government’s overt psychological warfare effort from 1950 to 1952 and later dean of the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism and founder of the Columbia Journalism Review.”6
During the 1950s American mass media interlocked directly with the CIA, the Agency feeding information to journalists in exchange for their own intelligence developed domestically and abroad. Reporters were employed by the CIA to deliver communiques as well as money to contacts, and to tow the Agency line in their own dispatches. The CIA even ran a training program teaching reporting skills to agents.
It is virtually impossible to determine the exact number of American journalists who are currently on the CIA or other intelligence agency payrolls—much less who are informally slipped information—but in 1977 Carl Bernstein, in an article for Rolling Stone, guessed the number at that time to be about 400.
• Bernstein noted a longstanding relationship of the Agency with the CBS network, and former CIA director Allen Dulles’ friendship with CBS’ president, CFR member William Paley. The president of CBS News from 1954 to 1961, CFR member Sig Mickelson, acted as Paley’s liaison with the CIA, using a direct telephone line that bypassed the network switchboard and connected directly with the Agency. The chief directors and news anchors of CBS have also been CIA-connected, according to Bernstein.
The journalist wrote that, “Over the years the [CBS] network provided cover for CIA employees, including at least one well-known foreign correspondent and several stringers; it supplied outtakes of news film to the CIA; established a formal channel of communications between the Washington bureau chief and the agency, and allowed reports by CBS be routinely monitored by the CIA.”
• The New York Times and its publisher, CFR member Arthur Hays Sulzberger, frequently liased with the CIA, providing cover for at least ten CIA agents during the 1950s and 60s.
• The publisher of The Washington Post, CFR member Katherine Graham, was close friends with CIA directors Dulles and Casey, and employed a number of reporters who worked with the CIA.
• Henry Luce, the founder of Time and Life, was a friend of CIA Director Allen Dulles, and looked the other way when some of his reporters attended CIA briefings. C.D. Jackson, a leading exec at Time-Life lived a double life as a mover and shaker in American psychological warfare efforts.
• According to CIA files, ABC news was used as a cover by agents during the 1960s.
• Bernstein also noted the following news organizations as having also provided cover for CIA agents: the New York Herald-Tribune, the Saturday Evening Post, Scripps-Howard Newspapers, Hearst Newspapers, the Associated Press, United Press International, the Mutual Broadcasting System, Reuters and the Miami Herald.
• Another means of CIA control over the media is through outright ownership. The New York Times in 1997 reported that the CIA owned more than fifty radio stations, wire services, magazines, and newspapers, with the majority of them being overseas. Many foreign news agencies were also infiltrated with CIA agents, and more than one thousand books that had been subsidized or produced outright by the CIA had been put in print by American publishers. Given these extensive involvements, would it be too much to venture that the American media, that bastion of freedom and independence, holds CIA credentials?7
Another means of influencing public opinion has been through the Advertising Council, a tax-exempt non-governmental agency whose membership is heavily weighted with members of the Council on Foreign Relations. Among the projects that the Advertising Council has furthered are ones aimed at the creation of a one world government, including “World Peace Through World Law” and various
“public service announcements” promoting the United Nations.
A technique for influencing public opinion is polling organizations which have demonstrably been shown to slant their public opinion questions in order to achieve desired results, but which may also be engaged in outright deception and alteration of statistics in the service of whomever is paying them. During the recent bloody American intervention in Yugoslavia public opinion pollsters placed approval of the war by the public at 73 percent, while an informal poll that I and some friends conducted determined exactly the opposite, that only one-third of Americans supported the bombing. I know that we are not lying.
Probably the most infamous example of media manipulation took place after the assassination of American President John F. Kennedy. A CIA memorandum dated April 1, 1967 was issued on the use of Agency “assets” in the media in “Countering Criticism of the Warren Report” on the assassination of John F. Kennedy, a murder that many researchers have in fact laid at the doorstep of American intelligence itself. Among the ways to “answer and refute” those critical of the Warren Whitewash the CIA suggested, were a variety of ploys including saying that a critic’s research was faulty, that they had a financial interest in writing negatively on the Warren Report, and that “Conspiracy on the large scale often suggested would be impossible to conceal.” Of course, this was in the horse-and-buggy days before the expediency of calling someone a “conspiracy nut” existed.8
Within the last year another example of media manipulation may have saved President Bill Clinton from impeachment, due to an incident that has come to be known as
“Rapegate.” During the impeachment trial of Clinton, Juanita Broaddrick, referred to as “Jane Doe #5” in the Starr Report, was interviewed at length by NBC correspondent Lisa Meyers. Broaddrick alleged that in 1981 Bill Clinton had raped her in an Arkansas motel room when she had been working for his campaign for governorship. This is not an incredible allegation, since Clinton has been accused of rape and forcing his sexual attentions on women on numerous occasions in the past, the first time that we know of during his studies at Oxford University in England in the 1960s. There were several reliable witnesses to corroborate Broaddrick’s story, including a nurse who treated her for injuries inflicted during the alleged rape. NBC completed the interview with Broaddrick prior to the end of the impeachment trial, but the network suppressed airing the story until the trial was over, after the story had been picked up by the Wall Street Journal, and other media outlets. Thus Congress and the American public were prevented from making a fully informed decision about the suitability of Clinton as president.
Media management does not always have to be so dramatic. Simple distraction—the “circuses” part of the historic “bread and circuses” formula—is another effective technique. The dissemination of entertainment—“popular culture”—and useless factoids has channeled public attention away from far more important issues such as poverty, human rights abuses, the equitable distribution of the wealth of the world, true political representation for the vast majority of humans—and media control by the elite. This is one of the main functions of the television, which is in essence a propaganda box spewing out the “positive” drug-like reinforcements of sex, violence, and simulated social interaction.
As an example of distraction by the media, the political struggle of black Americans for economic and political wellbeing has been effectively derailed by the safe-to-the-Establishment energetics of “gangsta rap” culture, drugs, and sports, preparing black youth to take their place in the world as drug addicts and latterday Steppin’ Fetchits struggling in grinding McPoverty.
Journalist John Swinton—one of the most respected of the breed at the time—described the situation succinctly when he gave a toast at the New York Press Club in 1953. Swinton said,
“There is no such thing at this date of the world’s history, in America, as an independent press. You know it and I know it. There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions and if you did, you know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar salaries for similar things, and any of you would be so foolish as to write honest opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation would be gone.
“The business of journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know i
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