Pasco County School Board Public Comments Oct. 18th, 2022

2 years ago

Public Comments from the Oct. 18th, 2022, Pasco County School Board Meeting.

About a year ago, the School Board started employing 4-8 police officers to search and frisk parents as they came to attend meetings; they did this to intimidate anyone wanting to speak against the school board members - It didn't work. So, a month ago, they began using a new intimidation tactic during the school board meetings. At the beginning of the "Public Comments" section, ALL STAFF MEMBERS get up and leave EXCEPT THE SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS AND SUPERINTENDANT. Again, sending a clear message that WHAT YOU SAY AS A PARENT OR CITIZEN DOESN'T MATTER - you don't matter, and your voices must be silenced!

Speakers in order of Appearance:

Consent Agenda Items: (During Live Meeting)

00:06 Rebecca Yeungling - She addresses 10.1, talking about the school's "Plan for Excellence" between now and 2027, all scores are barely passing - the goal for improvement is less than 3% by 2027?

Public Comment Section:

03:18 Frank Roder - A former GLESN representative, shares how he and his colleague have been given many awards for volunteer hours at various Pasco Schools

05:19 Chelsi Stahr - She discusses the problem with bullying both students and parents in Pasco County Schools. She also talks about how there was no plan for the Safe Space Sticker Removal and how any retaliation the superintendent received was his fault.

08:19 Pat Rogers - Talks about how she has been coming to meetings and speaking for five years and that she has never been listened to in all that time.

09:45 Sherry Butler - What are you teaching in school? My grandson learned Beastiality shortly after starting at a Pasco School, and my neighbor's daughter also changed for the worse once she started attending Pasco Schools.

13:00 Tori Tiffany - Confronts the School board about Pine View Middle School Principal Jennifer Warren. She asks why nothing has been done and cites multiple Pasco County School Policies, Educational Code Policies, and State Constitutional policies that the board is violating by keeping Principal Warren employed.

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