003 Three Days and Three Nights (Jonah 1:4-17) 1 of 2

1 year ago

CURRENT EVENTS UPDATE: (1) Lifesite News is a conservative news source but it's Roman Catholic producers promote idolatrous Mary Worship and encourage their listeners to invite DEVILS into their lives. (2) The Democrat (Demoncrat) Party DEATH CULT advertises it's goal of "protecting abortion rights" so the people can murder unborn children.

After Pastor's wife, Jenny, sings, "Go, Brother, Go!" we finish our study of Jonah chapter 1 which ends with Jonah in the belly of the fish for three days and three nights.

Also Reference: Ephesians 5:14-16, Matthew 12:39-40 and 1 Thessal. 5:6-8.


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