Phil Haney Exposes The Underground Jihad In America - 'WALI'

2 years ago

When a law enforcement officer sees the word ‘Wali’ or some phonetic deviation on storefront signage or advertisement, it is an indicator that there may be suspicious activity inside that business. Few people outside of the money laundering world have ever heard of ‘Wali’ and that is just how the criminals like it..

The Arabic word ‘Wali’ has several different meanings making it confusing for the non-Arabic speaker. For example, ‘Wali’ can translate into English as a friend, protector and ally, guardian, and inheritor. Islamic advocacy groups acting as a ‘Wali’ or protector of the criminal world will lie about the true meaning of ‘Wali’ to keep local and federal authorities looking in another direction.

When a follower of Islam sees the word ‘Wali’, he knows that he will be working with fellow Muslims who follow the Shariah Islamiyya or Islamic Law. When dealing with financial matters, ‘Wali’ is very important because Islamic law forbids interest on money, loans, transfers etc...
Two forces are at work here. First, Financial ‘Wali' gives the same level of confidence to someone who is Shariah compliant as FDIC insured gives confidence to customers at American banks. Second, law enforcement being generally unschooled in Islamic culturally accepted practices, makes it easier for a dark underground of financial ‘Wali’ to operate out in the open.

Our Law Enforcement agencies over the decades have allowed Muslim advocacy groups like CAIR, ISNA, and AMJA to teach them what Islam is and, more importantly, what Islam is not. The illegal activity often associated with financial ‘Wali’ often escapes investigation because our law enforcement officers and lawmakers fall prey to these Islamic advocacy groups' well-rehearsed disinformation campaigns.

For example, we see on Facebook Wallee Enterprises advertising that they do business with the Al-Arafah Islami Bank headquartered in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Two primary indicators that should be of interest to law enforcement are, first: on June 27, 2018, the Al-Arafah Islami Bank director Badiur Rahman was sued for money laundering under the Money Laundering Prevention Act of 2012.

The second indicator is that Al-Arafah Islami Bank advertises itself as being Shariah compliant. The Shariah Islamiyya or Islamic Law dictates that a percentage of a company's profits earmarked for Zakat, or charity, goes to Jihad. Authorities should be interested in Walee Enterprises because they choose to do business with a foreign entity that may be funding terrorism.

The list of the types of financial ‘Wali’ cases that have been adjudicated in the United States and other western countries include:
Narcotics Trafficking, Terrorism, Alien Smuggling, Welfare Fraud, Insider Trading, Customs, Tax Violations, and hiding Gambling proceeds from taxation.

The word ‘Wali’ shows up again in Qur’an verse 5:51,
“Oh you who be believe! Do not take the Jews and the Christians as protecting allies [lit. awliya – plural of wali, mistranslated often here as “friends” ]! Each of them is protecting allies within their own. And the one amongst you who turns to them as protecting allies, then he is one of them. And truly, Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people.” [al-Quran, 5:51]” Islamic Source: Sidi Abdullah Anik Misra.

In many ways, the concept of “protecting allies” rather than friends cements the separatist nature of ‘Wali’ for the followers of Islam in the West.
These ‘Muslim Bridge Builders’ for peace are often a part of the problem, not the solution. Groups like CAIR, ISNA, and AMJA should be avoided because they have been proven unreliable partners for the Kufar, or unbeliever, law enforcement agencies.

It doesn’t mean that every follower of Islam is bad. Anyone who says such nonsense is trying to throw you off the scent with diversionary tactics. All the deception and lies are normal because Allah instructs his followers to be ‘Wali’ protectors of each other. Qur'an 3:54—And they (the unbelievers) planned to deceive, and Allah planned to deceive (the unbelievers), and Allah is the best of deceivers.

The doctrine of ‘Wali’ is unsettling and difficult for the Western mind to wrap itself around because this non-Western duplicitous concept comes from the primary source of Mohammad through the Qur’an. It is no wonder that Western thinkers struggle to handle social, political, and national security concerns.

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