When Writing Isn't Writing, At All: MWP Weeks 8 & 9

2 years ago

Here's a quick quiz for you.
Which of the following qualifies as writing:
A) Researching which way of poisoning someone is the least likely to be found in an autopsy?
B) Arranging the pile of quotes you've jotted on notecards into an order that will make the most sense in your research paper?
C) Searching through a stock photo website to find someone who looks like the main hunk in the romance novel you've been dreaming of writing?
D) Filling all twenty-seven of your fountain pens, rearranging your workspace, and ordering two new notebooks that will be here with tomorrow's Amazon sweep through your neighborhood?
If you answered "None of the Above" You Win!
The truth is, none of those activities are actually WRITING. And, since I'm in the middle of a year-long challenge that is focused on actually WRITING new words, I've had to wrestle with the idea that a lot of WRITING successfully doesn't necessarily involve actually WRITING.

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Link to episode one, in case you're new to the Million Words Project.

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