Why Disney Is Collapsing: The Coming Disney Crisis

1 year ago

mirrored from https://www.youtube.com/c/Moon-Real
- pls parents/carers... just be aware. I've made my preschooler grandies aware & stiil let them watch certain!!!! disney things, I beleive in the imagination & magic of make beleive - which is what my thoughts on disney were when i was a child.

Disney is worse than you thought. The Disney business model is collapsing making Disney trash and its why Disney is bad. Disney is now losing money, losing it's stock price, and struggling to make profits. Because Disney went woke. This is the rise and fall of Disney.This is why Disney is collapsing and is causing a coming crisis for Disney's business. This video will be analyze Disney stock crash, there stock market predictions, why Disney isn't making money.

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