March 25, 2015 ❤️ Jesus explains... Another Soul for Heaven, another Jewel in your Crown

1 year ago

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Jesus explains...
Another Soul for Heaven... Another Jewel in your Crown

March 25, 2015 – Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Jesus began... "My Dove, even as I dealt with the kingdom of Israel so shall I deal with this wicked, wicked world. And yet even as you have read about the remnant, so shall I save a people for Myself. People who have been through the fire and been found worthy escaping the wrath I have poured out upon all nations."

"Your children shall be among them, I make this promise to you for your fidelity, even to the point of being alienated from them for your belief. There is still much spirituality in them and I shall increase it and modify even their dna to be a match more to mine. You shall see My Glory over them, and they will walk in My ways all the days of their life and you shall find much pleasure in them. What was broken in your heart, I Myself shall mend, anoint and bring forth in the beauty of holiness."

"Shall I not have mercy too on the sons of My Bride. Yes they too will shine like silver refined in the fire. Many who seemed hopeless will come forth from the refiners fire with My Glory on their faces. So take heart, have courage Christopher and Brendan too will rise from their soul deadened state."

(Clare) I believe this word is for all of us to take to heart. The Lord knows how we have suffered rejection from our families and He is faithful to bring them around.

(Jesus) "As many have taken My previous words to heart, I am continuing on. Oh how proud I am of My Faithful little ones who have taken My words to heart. I will continue to bless and instruct until that very day and very hour."

(Clare) See, I’m not asking when.

(Jesus) "And I’m not telling either. Some things are better left unsaid."

(Clare) Like, 'soon'?

(Jesus) "Exactly. I’m just playing with you. But I do want to say that as things near the end, that is the end of your time here on earth, it will get more and more intense, yet I will be with you to protect, nurture and strengthen. The birth pangs will be closer together. Just hang on Clare, we’re bursting through!"

"The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but spiritual and as things heat up Christians will find themselves more and more challenged in their faith. More attacks against Faith and Hope are on the way. Heads up! You know what I have told you, I’ve confirmed it many, many times, I want you to hold onto that for dear life and don’t question it, no matter what’s going on around you."

"Mind you, the jewels in your crown will be added daily."

(Clare) Oh I know what that means. Crowns mean suffering and overcoming it.

(Jesus) "Don’t be dismayed by attitudes of scorn and contempt, work with them, some are holding it down just under the surface for the sake of civility, and when it breaks forth do not take it personally. They are weak and being used by the enemy to try and undermine and confuse you."

"Don’t allow it My Dove, come to Me and be strengthened, be gentle with them and restore them to the right path. Mainly in this time preceding My coming for you, I am adding gems to your crowns, all of you. You are going from glory to glory and in the meantime your challenges and sufferings I shall take as fast offerings for the conversion of more and more souls."

"Scorn, contempt and persecution await all my faithful Christians. How can I reward unless trials are passed successfully. And in the meantime teachings will come forth that will assist those left behind. All serves a purpose, everything, every little thing, take it as a test of virtue, another fast offering and this will keep your attitude pure and grateful."


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