100%的献身,倾听上帝的声音,被他引导 Become 100% Dedicated to Hear and be Guided by God-WarningThePeople

1 year ago

Source: https://youtu.be/VKKOTYlvfeY

2022年10月20日 YouTube Channel:WarningThePeople

Email: warningthepeople1@gmail.com

耶稣要寻找的门徒是100%的献身于他的,不是90%也不是50%。许多基督徒想知道为什么他们的祷告没有得着应答,为什么上帝不对他们说话?那是因为他们没有100%的献身给耶稣基督和他国度的工作。加入教会参与他们的事工,并不是为上帝工作,也不是加入了上帝的事工。耶稣给我们的工作职分是使人与基督和好。但我们需要先求他的国他的义。我们必须要祷告,请他将他的心意放在我们里面。我们要祈求得着他的爱和他的真理。如果你不愿意先去寻求他,你就不可能得他的喜悦。如果你没有将自己摆上,把他的工作放在第一位,你怎么能听到上帝说话的声音呢?你在将他的工作放在首位吗?你正在先求上帝的国吗?还是你像大部分基督徒一样,祷告永远没有得到回应? 因为他们只关心自己的事.愿耶稣的恩典与你同在。

Become 100% Dedicated to Hear and be Guided by God
Jesus seeks disciples who are 100% dedicated to Him, not 90% or 50%. A lot of Christians wonder why their prayers are not answered, why God doesn’t talk to them, and that is because they are NOT 100% dedicated to Jesus Christ and His Kingdom work. Going to church and being part of THEIR misery is NOT being part of God’s work, GOD’S ministry. The work Jesus has for us is the ministry of reconciliation. But we have to seek FIRST His Kingdom and His righteousness. We have to PRAY and ask Him to put His heart and His mind in us. We have to ask Him for His love and His truth. Without seeking HIM FIRST, you can’t possibly please Him. And how can you hear from God if you are not even dedicated to put His work first? Are you putting His work first, are you seeking FIRST the Kingdom of God? Or are you like the majority of Christians who will never have their prayers answered? (Because they are about their OWN business) May the grace of Jesus be with you.

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