EcoHealth Alliance Whistleblower Dr. Andrew Huff on gain of function research & COVID accountability

1 year ago

Oct 18, 2022

Dr. Andrew Huff wears many hats. He's a bioterrorism expert, veteran, scientist, former EcoHealth Alliance VP, and mostly notably, the whistleblower who exposed gain-of-function research at the hands of the Wuhan Institute of Virology and Peter Daszak.

The consequences of being a whistleblower aren't lost on Huff. He's been surveilled, hacked, and followed - but he stands by his decision to expose the truth about COVID-19. He described it here:

Recently, Huff's attorney, Tom Renz, filed a massive lawsuit that could shape history and finally expose the crimes against humanity in the COVID-19 era.

Huff and I discussed the landmark lawsuit against multiple entities, the truth about grant money, his thoughts on Dr. Anthony Fauci, the culture in the science community, the morality of gain-of-function research, and his advice to potential whistleblowers. Hint - his DM's are open if you're a potential whistleblower looking for support.

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