Meanwhile... On Lib TV

1 year ago

Liberal woke trash has taken over the airways, including commercials.

We've been seeing it everywhere: commercials that are just too woke for their own good. The message is so overt and heavy-handed that it completely misses its audience, who are left feeling confused and annoyed by the obviousness of the message being pushed on them.

The worst part? These commercials aren't just subversive—they're downright offensive! They're not only trying to push a political message onto you; they're also trying to take away your basic rights as a consumer. They think they can tell you what to watch and what not to watch, and make it sound like it's for your own good! But if we don't stand up for our right to choose what shows we want to watch, who's going to stand up for your rights?

When companies start telling me what I can and cannot watch, that's when I know that America is truly in danger.

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