Practical Balance - The Queen and Borders

1 year ago

The Queen and Borders

We asked Spirit about The Queen of England’s death and what it means going forward.

Her death is a trigger for change that has worldwide impact not only politically but also economically.

King Charles has imposed an additional 7 days of mourning to the pre-established 10 for a total of 17 days. This allows the royal family to do things under the table and behind the scenes.

King Charles doesn’t have a choice, but is going to try and slow things down because he is not on board with the new banking system. King Charles is in alignment with Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum agenda. This could be the beginning of the collapse of the Central Banking system.

Janice suggests there is a window of time for things to happen beginning with the Queen’s death up to the midterm elections here in the US. Both sides are taking advantage of timelines and astrological alignments. She believes another important window to watch for will be in mid-December.

Some people believe that something is going to take place that cancels and/or postpones the midterm elections, but Spirit says there will be one and to go and vote. People are disappointed with the performance of Biden which promotes more people voting Republican than ever before.

A lot more people are waking up. These next two years are going to be profound. The black hats are scrambling. Positive things are happening but are not unfolding as quickly as most of us would like. We will experience things getting better in 2023 and by 2025 many things are healed and improved.

When we are in the thick of struggle it is hard to be positive and focus on the outcome we want to see. Not many people believe there is a new money system or positive changes coming.

In our discussion the conversation turned to the Borders and how the crisis is giving us an opportunity to be humanitarians, but it’s a double edge sword when so many are criminals. Spirit supports a closed border. The people who are already here still need to eat and have clothing and shelter. This situation is happening because it is a catalyst for change.

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