Behind WH avoiding G20 Biden-Putin meeting; BU says new virus safer, NIH head unaware of study!

1 year ago

After news broke that researchers at Boston University had developed a new virus with an 80% kill rate in mice, the NIH officials said they would further evaluate the study, claiming that the team involved didn't clear the work with the federal agency.

Kanye West may be sued for speaking out about George Floyd's death. But he must have thought of the consequences before he made his comments.

The G20 summit would be a good opportunity for Russia to talk to the West. But White House officials are trying to avoid a meeting between Biden and Putin. This isn't easy. So, what are they so worried about?

The IRS adjusted the income tax rate to account for inflation for the 2023 tax year. Here are the details.

Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu warns that weapons provided to Ukraine could end up in Iran.

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