Need to Know News (20 October 2022) with Carl Herman and Brian Davidson

2 years ago

Putin said to bring martial law to the newly joined provinces of Ukraine, but coming from The Daily Mail, need to sort out truth from fiction. The General in charge of the special military operation has decreed the evacuation of an area where the Ukranians are threatening to destroy a hydro-power plant, which could lead to massive flooding. Russia now seems to be using high-tech drones from Iran, which enables it to more specifically target with fewer civilian casualties using a weapon not already in its arsenal. One third of Ukraine's electrical energy stations have been taken out, which means a "hard" winter for its population. Early 2022 voting at record level, which suggests the American people are fed up with the Democrats and the Biden administration. But early voting increases opportunities to add fake votes to manipulate the outcome. More polling shows DeSantis to be the most popular political figure in America, even more popular than Trump; where I anticipate a Trump/DeSantis ticket in 2024, which will be unbeatable--by far! Liz Truss steps down as British PM for reasons that are not obvious on their face. The story about Putin rejecting mandatory vax in Russia was over a year old, which was my mistake. (Brian caught it on-air.) Google has entered into collusion with the UN to promote UN-favored propaganda about "climate change", which has no objective scientific foundation. Clarence Thomas has come into his own as the most influential justice of the Supreme Court. Peter Strzok (absurdly) declares that J6 was a greater threat to democracy and America than 9/11, one more sign of his attempts to distort history on behalf of corrupt elements who are themselves out to sabotage The American Way!

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