The Most Important Moment in Your Life - Learn How to Master Life - Matthew Kelly - 60 Second Wisdom

1 year ago

The Most Important Moment in Your Life – Learn How to Master Life – Matthew Kelly – 60 Second Wisdom

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Video Transcript:

“The most important moment in your life is the moment of decision. Learn to master the moment of decision and you will live a life uncommon. Becoming a great decision maker is one of life’s most important skills.

Every day you make hundreds of decisions, and your decisions determine the quality and direction of your life.

Here are 5 tips for making better decisions:

1. Determine if it is a major decision or a smaller, even trivial decision.

2. Give yourself time (if possible). Don’t make the decision before you have to.

3. Write down the pros and cons.

4. Consider your values and goals.

5. Seek counsel from the wisest person you know.

We build our lives one choice at a time. Make it a goal to become a better decision maker every year for the rest of your life.”

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