Most powerful gamma-ray burst ever seen could help reveal how black holes are born

1 year ago

Most powerful gamma-ray burst ever seen could help reveal how black holes are born

All eyes are on the source of the record-breaking gamma-ray burst that lit up the sky last week.

On Oct. 9, a beam of light more energetic than astronomers had ever seen zipped past our planet, temporarily blinding detectors on several NASA satellites. The beam came from a gamma-ray burst, the most energetic type of explosion known to occur in the universe (apart from the Big Bang), which is believed to accompany the birth of some black holes.

Within hours, dozens of telescopes all over the world were pointing in the direction of the burst's source, confirming that this, indeed, was one for the books. The event, officially named GRB221009A, has since earned the nickname BOAT ("brightest of all time"), and astronomers hope it will help shed light on the mind-boggling physics behind these cataclysmic phenomena.

Gamma-ray bursts are not rare. About once a day, one flashes briefly at our planet from somewhere in the cosmos. Many more are believed to take place throughout the universe.

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