Meet one of the most UNDERRATED Roman emperors: Probus.

2 years ago

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Besides Maximinus Thrax, Gallienus and Claudius II, there is another really underrated emperor whose actions were crucial in ending the crisis of the third century. Of course we all know the hero Aurelian, but I am talking about Probus. Probus was Roman emperor from 276 to 282 AD, so not long after Aurelian himself, and like Aurelian, he achieved some really important military victories. In 278, he defeated the Alemanni, the Longiones, the Franks and the Burgundians. And the tribe of the Lugii was so utterly destroyed by Probus that it would never resurface again as a threat to the empire. For his important victories against the germanic invaders he got the title Gothicus Maximus and Germanicus Maximus. He even restored the Agri Decumates as roman territory, the land in the southwest of current day Germany, formerly part of the province of Raetia, but this would only last for a few years. He was the last emperor to acknowledge the power of the roman senate, because later emperors and especially Diocletian would undermine its ancient authority and establish the dominate, which was an even more autocratic system of rule. Thus for me, Probus, together with his predecessors Aurelian, Claudius II and Gallienus, were quite instrumental in stopping the barbarian invasions and in ending the crisis of the third century.

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