Monthly-subscription Primary Care-The newest way to restore the old-time doctor-patient relationship

1 year ago

Jeffrey Gold, MD - Founder, Gold Direct Care

In the subset of big company health benefits advisors that are actually CUTTING costs for CEOs, one tool helping them save money for the boss is the giving for free to all workers a primary care doctor who can be called on repeatedly with no extra charges.

Sick of chasing insurance billing or tolerating hospital-enforced protocols, many primary doctors are going independent, making money from monthly charges of $75/month or up to $200 for a family. The doctor no longer has to speed patients through the hamster wheel, never looking at them as they fill out electronic billing codes to maximize profit for the hospital system. Chronically ill patients can see the doc for as long as needed, and as many times per month as necessary - or just text whenever help is needed.

So-called “Direct Primary Care” (DPC) docs know the local pharmacist for cheaper prescriptions, the best labs for tests, and the right specialist for any referrals. They can protect you when hospitalized - something about which Covid has taught us is CRITICAL!

With hour-plus-long appointments, patients and their doctors open their minds about alternative, or integrated care, and natural alternatives if pharma’s miracles fail to heal long-term, chronic diseases. GOOD primary care can resolve 80% of sicknesses or other episodes, so they save patients money, hassle, and pain. It’s such a bang for the buck that many employers pay the DPC cost for workers, who love the convenience.

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