The Charlie Ward controversial video

1 year ago

I personally think this guest speaker maybe well misinformed or part of the cabal to confuse people. She attacks the David Lester Straight method of becoming an American State National. Do your research folks. So far, I have verified much of the documents in circulation within the ASN community. This woman uses fear tactics to scare away folks from the ASN movement. I suspect she maybe part of the Convention of States (CoS) effort which scares the hell out of me because if it happens; the current elected folks making the decision to change and or modify our constitution can eliminate or restrict our basic rights even further. It maybe a trick to get patriots on board to support the CoS. Only to later block them from participating and allow the left to change our constitutions to include language that censors folks, remove gun rights and imprison folks for hate speech (as determined by the State/Government) currently in control by the far left/Marxist.

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