Kids do NOT have to be so sick all the time!

2 years ago

It’s such a BIG LIE that kids are supposed to get sick once a month. NO. It’s a myth that kids need to be sick to build immunity. Kids will OF COURSE be sick sometimes but being sick all the time actually undermines their entire immune system and leaves them in a chronic state of inflammation. This can increase risk of allergies, auto-immunity and deeply inhibit their ability to learn and grow. Kids build immunity through exposure to nature and micro-exposures to pathogens. It can’t be achieved by bombarding their systems. However, in this modern world what are we to do? One trip to the store means your little one is touching surfaces that hundreds of other people have touched. It’s a huge amount of exposure. So boost their little immune systems with organic food, filtered water, nutrients and sunshine. Clean their hands often with natural soap or a non-hormone disrupting organic alcohol sanitizer.

And finally, if you want to have an added level of protection then consider protecting their nasal biomes with The nose is the first line of defense for fighting off germs and if your biome is compromised then it can’t do it’s job which is to TRAP and PREVENT! Healthy boogers = healthy kids!

The #secret to avoiding #cold #flu #viruses ? It’s the #nasalbiome! Talking with the amazing @biohackingbrittany on her #podcast about #biohacking our wellness this #fluseason by addressing the #nose. Stop using products that #sterilize the nose. Yes, if you shove chemicals, alcohol based remedies, huge amounts or saline or a Sterilant like #iodine, you might kill some pathogens but an hour later you are MORE susceptible to #germ #colonization and #infection because you will have altered or destroyed your biome. Protect your immune systems first line of defense with #buzzagogo #nasalswab #honeyremedies. #natural #safe #effective #womanowned #naturalproduct #cvs #freshthyme #bedbathandbeyond #momsofinstagram #healthylifestyle #travelcentersofamerica #harmonsgrocery #momsorganicmarket #winndixie #aafes #acmefreshmarket

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