Kelly Cooper, AZCD4, God Bless Arizona

1 year ago

"You have a viable, winning campaign and candidate that will represent your needs come January this year.

So, with that, I almost always close with two things. One, time is the most valuable resource that you have, I appreciate all of you spending a little bit of your time with me today. So thank you.

Two, Semper Fi. It's Always Faithful. It's a saying in the Marine Corps. Any veterans here today? Thank you. Ooh rah!

And God bless you. God bless Arizona. God bless Arizona's District 4 and 5, where we currently stand today, and all of you, and even the people that are working against us. God bless them too because they are still our brothers and sisters and we still want them in this nation. We just want them to work with us, not against us."

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