“More pandemics are coming” – bioweapons expert Dr Boyle on WHO Treaty, Biden’s Executive Order

1 year ago

Dr Francis Boyle was one of the first individuals who openly claimed that SARS-CoV-2 is a genetically engineered bioweapon that escaped from a high-level lab in Wuhan. Boyle, a human rights lawyer and professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law, has advocated against the development and use of bioweapons for decades and drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act, which was signed into law by George Bush, Sr. in 1989. President Joe Biden’s recent signing of the Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation, the purpose of which is to “develop and work and promote and implement … dual-use research of concern, and research involving potentially pandemic and other high-consequence pathogens.” BizNews spoke to Dr Boyle who explained why the very wording of this Executive Order, which is a blatantly unlawful violation of Boyle’s Bioweapons Act, together with the guidelines contained in the World Health Organisation Pandemic Treaty, basically promises that more man-made pandemics are coming. Boyle’s experience and research into bioweapons is unmatched. One of the revelations discussed in the interview, which hit home, literally, was the role of South Africa in the development of bioweapons – which began with the Apartheid regime’s CIA assisted research, development, and stockpiling of biological warfare weapons and the country’s BSL-4 lab currently continuing with “reprehensible biological warfare weapons work”. – Nadya Swart

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