Transgender Documentary - Sunday Gospel

2 years ago

Today on "Catholic Drive Time"

Catholic Drive Time - 877-757-9424

Date – Thursday, October 20, 2022 – The Feast Day of Saints Irene & Bertilla Boscardin

INTRO – Today on CDT, The transgender tsunami is sweeping the nation, completely overtaking the medical, educational, and counseling industries, and forever altering hundreds of thousands of young girls’ lives.

We have invited Don Johnson, a Catholic film maker, public speaker and fellow radio personality to discuss how to find hope in this dire situation AND HIS DOCUMENTARY FILM DYSCONNECTED.

And – A major survey says.... yeah your priest is “burnt out”. So you may want to ease off of him a bit.

Also – Hector Molina calls in to break open the scriptures for this Sunday’s Mass. You’ll be the smartest one at the parish... you don’t want to miss it.

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What’s Concerning Us? –
Your Priest? He might be “burnt out”!
Performance artist or priest?
Finding inspiration in priests who give their entire lives to the souls in their care
What are bishops for anyway?
Parishes are too big and should be consolidated so that priests can come together and live in community with one another. No priest is an island.

Guest Seg. Don Johnson– Don Johnson Ministries/ Runaway Planet Films
What are the factors leading to gender confusion?
Can you really “pause” a young boy or girl’s puberty cycle, only to reverse it later?
Porn is a major cause of transitioning in women
The system is stacked against parents
Fast tracking kids through a decision they may regret
Most surprising thing he discovered?

2nd Guest Seg. - Hector Molina- LUKE
I came to not to bring peace, but the SWORD.

Joe Social Media
IG: @TheCatholicHack
Twitter: @Catholic_Hack
Facebook: Joe McClane
YouTube: Joe McClane

Rudy Social Media
IG: @ydursolrac
Youtube: Glad Trad Podcast

Adrian Social Media
IG: @ffonze
Twitter: @AdrianFonze
Facebook: Adrian Fonseca
YouTube: Adrian Fonseca
YouTube: Catholic Conversations

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