#NeverForget Lee Keltner & Aaron Danielson: Tears in Heaven I A Vermont Red Pill Flashback

1 year ago

A little over 2 years ago to this day, the Keltner family lost their Papa Bear, Lee.
He was shot in the face during a pro-police rally by Matthew Doloff, a crazy security guard with socialist tattoos and communist ties. Earlier that year, Aaron Danielson was stalked by a member of Antifa and murdered in cold blood. I made this video, back in 2020 to honor their memory: #Neverforget #LeeKeltner #AaronDanielson #JayGardener #DavidDorn.

**** This was what I wrote at the time *********
Sorry about the rough editing/cuts and the video/sound lag.
I'm not sure how to fix this. Probably need to pony up some dough for better video editing software.
Fair warning... i cry in this video.
Have no idea if I'm an ugly crier.
I got really emotional talking about Lee Keltner & Aaron Danielson.
This is my homage to them.
This is also my message to ANY extremists: PLEASE STOP the violence.
Look at these men. They did not deserve to die.

Brief Recap of Keltner's Timeline:
Keltner & his son went to Pro-Police rally.
ANTIFA, BLM sympathizers organized counter protest soup drive.
ANTIFA BLM crash the pro-police rally.
they start yelling at Keltner & company.
One counter protester got in Keltner & company's faces.
Taunting and asking to be maced.
"Mace me Bro!"
Though Keltner had bear mace with him, he did not mace anyone.
Why would he? Words are wind, right? Keltner steps off frame.
Suddenly, Matthew Doloff, who was hired as a security guard for a TV station, jumped in front of a reporter and grabbed for Keltner's mace.
Keltner slapped him away, knocking off Doloff's hat.
Keltner was a big man. If he wanted to hurt Doloff, he could have.
Doloff happened to be armed. He grabbed for his gun.
Keltner backed away. Doloff pointed the gun, to which Keltner grabbed his mace. Bullets are faster than mace. Doloff reached for his gun FIRST before Keltner grabbed his mace. The left will tell you the other way around, but photo's taken during the shooting say otherwise.
Doloff is claiming "self defense", and currently awaiting charges for 2nd degree murder. If you ask me, this was a crime of passion (pride/embarrassment) and should be FIRST DEGREE MURDER.

Tell me what YOU think.
Thanks for reading. Please keep these two patriots close to your heart, and pray their family finds peace. Especially Keltner's son, who says he is beyond traumatized from witnessing his father's shooting.
Remember, WE are on the side of good.
Let's try to keep it that way.
But we can't be doormats.
Let's stand up for ourselves with our words and actions.
We don't resort to violence.
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