#shorts cucur jawa gula putih

2 years ago

#shorts cucur jawa/penyaram gula putih
Penyaram/Cucur Jawa Gula Putih
Bahan bahannya
2 gelas tepung gandum
1 gelas tepung beras
1 gelas gula putih
1 gelas air
......pewarna kek jika suka
Campur kesemua bahan bersama air.Kemudian tapis.
Perap semalaman.Goreng keesokan harinya

Mexican Hat Fritters with white sugar
2 glasses wheat flour
1 glass rice flour
1 glass sugar
1 glass water
..food coloring if you prefer.

Mix well all ingredients with water.Then strain mixture.
Keep overnight before frying the next day

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