#071 Are We Just Worshiping Baal Now? Neo-Paganism in America Part 1 Further. Every. Day.

2 years ago

“Progressivism”, A Regression Into Barbaristic Paganism Part 1 Further. Every. Day.

When people ask you, why do you believe in an ancient God, or accuse you of being anachronistic for a religiously held belief, it is best to flip the question onto them. The short answer to this question is that if it is true, it is timeless, but you need not start with that as the question presupposes the authority questioner’s worldview. Most who ask this question in this way are so-called “Progressives”. These folks are living a Neo-Paganistic lifestyle without even realizing it. As the author of Ecclesiastes wrote, there is nothing new under the sun.

What do we mean by that? Well, let’s look at some of the old gods from the Old Testament and how pagans explained reality back then. Monotheism often would devolve into rationalism and then pantheistic paganism. I’ll make the argument here that Jonathan Cahn got it right when he wrote the book “Return of the Gods”: modern secularists are turning into modern pagans after rejecting God. Let’s look at some of the agendas of the modern progressive left.

To do this, we’ll go review some of the material we’ve covered this last year.

Climate change:

How about the issue of sexuality and gender?

Some insight into the goddess Ishtar can be gleaned from “Gender and Aging in Mesopotamia: The Gilgamesh Epic and Other Ancient Literature” by Rivkah Harris (2000).
Ishtar, Harris explains, “is androgynous, marginal, ambiguous . . . She is betwixt and between . . . Central to the goddess as paradox is her well-attested psychological and physiological androgyny. Inanna-Ishtar is both female and male . . . [in one place stating] ‘Though I am a woman I am a noble young man’” (pp. 160, 163).
She shattered all gender and socioeconomic distinctions—being both a royal queen and “the harlot of heaven . . . set out for the alehouse” (p. 166). And in all this she was the role model for her followers. Among her powers was this from a Sumerian poem: “To turn a man into a woman and a woman into a man are yours, Inanna” (p. 160).
In the Descent of Ishtar we are told of some participants in her cult: “The male prostitutes comb their hair before her . . . They decorate the napes of their necks with colored bands . . . They gird themselves with the sword belt . . . Their right side they adorn with women’s clothing . . . Their left side they cover with men’s clothing . . .” (p. 170). The revel and competition ended in a bloody spectacle of self-cutting (compare 1 Kings 18:28).
Harris states: “Their transvestitism simulated the androgyny of Inanna-Ishtar. It was perhaps the inversion of the male/female binary opposition that thereby neutralized this opposition. By emulating their goddess who was both female and male, they shattered the boundary between the sexes” (pp. 170-171). This was seen as a way of rising above the prison of the flesh.


How is this any different than the ancient practices outlined by Harris? Note that these “modern” progressive views are little different than the ancient views of these gods.

Molech will have to be gotten to in the next episode, but euthanasia and abortion are representative of the practices of Molech.

Take heart though, through love and grace, behind the Truth, we can be the restraining influence on our culture. We only need to be equipped with the truth.



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