Neonatal Deaths DOUBLED: Vaccine Ruled Out Because of a Risk to Vaccine Confidence.

1 year ago

The doctor John fanclub strikes again.
Might seem nuts but that is exactly what The Herald, Scotland, admits.
"In a statement, PHS added that there was also a risk that “identifying the vaccination status of the mothers, even at aggregate level, would result in harm to those individuals and others close to them...”. *Which is frankly, total bullshit.* "Furthermore “the outcomes of such analysis, whilst being uninformative for public health decision making, had the potential to be used to harm vaccine confidence at this critical time”.
So investigating the doubled neonatal baby deaths in Scotland in a vaccine context has not been done because it might reduce the numbers of recipients at this critical time? CRITICAL? The pandemic is over, there's nothing "critical" about this time UNLESS one considers the critical nature of the conspiracy first to trick us all into fearing a virus little worse than average flu & then to terrify us all into the vaccine queues. They actually admit out in the open, in black-&-white, that they are refusing to consider the vaccines due to the risk they might become less popular. Sounds like those making this report are into the kaching. We need to know how much money Public Health Scotland gets from effing Gates &/or dodgy Fauci.

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