Another bizarre collapse similar to the others..

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1 year ago

Notice how he’s grabbing his right arm as if he’s being pulled by some invisible force?! Here are some more videos of this scenario happening to people all across the world:

Does anyone know if this man is okay?!

Several people this has happened to caught on camera: Not an easy one to watch…

Compilation of people collapsing after inoculation:

I will add more links to this video as they come in. Check out the “Died Suddenly News” group on facebook with over 165k members discussing their quackseen injuries & the fatalities.

I remember early 2020 when people were dropping dead in Wuhan. Someone anonymously posted a message saying that the prior fall everyone took a mandatory flu shot with nanotech (neural mesh) which made people highly conductive & react to the five gee when it went live there late 2019. This person attributed that to the sudden deaths. When I mentioned this in f/b groups, I was banned.

Keep in mind that the installations of this new technology has been a priority worldwide ever since… at least two physicians who spoke of the graphene hydroxide conductivity factors died under suspicious circumstances. It’s been proven to be in the jabs, swabs, & masks by several sources. Just search the word “graphene” on my channels and you will see those videos.

Here is the comment I left for the CDC in regards to them mandating a CONvid jab for children:

Comment Tracking Number

People in every part of the world are now aware that CONvid was never isolated nor purified thanks to the work of several nobel prize winning doctors, namely Dr. Stefan Lanka, virologist and microbiologist. Dr. Kary Mullis (inventor of the PCR) stated on video that “it can’t tell you if your sick”. He also exposed Fauci as a fraud in several interviews before his untimely death late 2019. What convenient timing. He spoke about Aids, AZT, and climate change fraud as well. Apparently the flu was relabeled according to countless credible sources. The physicians are speaking out and there are huge groups of people joining forces against big HARMa’s tactics. German Attorney Reiner Fuellmich did a brilliant job with the “Corona Investigative Committee” interviewing physicians, scientists, historians, & many more who determined this is undoubtedly a genocide agenda. He conducted grand jury proceedings for the people by the people which has been viewed by millions of people. We are awake and informed about the new world order, great reset, transhumanism agenda and harmful new technologies being rolled out on a worldwide scale that broadcast at unhealthy frequency levels. 60Ghz (affects oxygen molecules) is listed on the FCC website. Why is there graphene hydroxide in the jabs?! The patents are all out in the open. This makes people highly conductive to the frequencies being deployed including what German chemist & carbon expert Dr. Andreas Noack stated before his sudden & suspicious death. He said: The graphene becomes microscopic atomic sized razor blades in the bloodstream tearing up the blood vessels. He said that this would not be detected in autopsies. He attributed the graphene to the reason why so many athletes were collapsing in the fields because their blood is “moving faster”. He was arrested during a livestream presentation of graphene oxide in his home and many suspect he was assassinated a year later by a direct energy weapon. His wife witnessed his death and stated all of the electricity went out at the same time that he collapsed. We now see videos circulating of inoculated individuals who appear to be collapsing in a similar fashion all across the world. They seem to be battling an invisible force before going completely stiff and dying within a matter of seconds. The videos are going viral. There are groups with hundreds of thousands of people on multiple platforms talking about their vaccine injured family members, friends, & their own hardships after the jabs. They are also speaking on the countless fatalities! Sudden adult death syndrome never existed before 2020. Isn’t that peculiar?! #DiedSuddenly was never a thing until the quackseen rollout. It’s apparent we are in a spiritual battle but GOOD is always going to be stronger than evil. God forbid anymore children suffer needlessly, die, or suffer any harm because of these decisions you are making. I believe there are good and bad people in every organization and I can only ask that the informed be fearless enough to join us. We the people stand with you. The world knows what’s happening. There are many cowards but they will also draw the line when it comes to their children. Homeschooling will be more popular than ever & distrust in the healthcare system is only growing rapidly. So many parents have already endured injuries to their children from the jabs and are warning the others. This has been going on for eons. We know about all of the murdered holistic naturopaths who attributed autism to vaccines. Why were so many microbiologists and aids doctors murdered?! Let’s talk about Brandy Vaughn, Dr. Bradstreet, Mila De Mier. Do you think anyone trusts Bill Gates at this point?! He’s one of the most hated men in the world next to Dr. Fauci who was recently BOO’ed in Seattle at a big game. Bill Gates has been accused of killing children in India & Africa with his preventative medications. Isn’t he facing trial in India right now?! Over 600,000 people signed a White House petition against him years ago for Crimes Against Humanity that was never addressed. There were several other petitions against measures like this one for example that all magically disappeared?! Why are you allowing WiFRY in schools and weaponized hvac systems that annihilate the lining of lungs?! There’s several reports about this on the NIH website in regards to cold plasma reactive nitrogen species generating systems. Shouldn’t that be investigated?! We know the WiFRY bypasses the blood brain barrier & causes sterilization. Why does every child get a laptop?! This isn’t good for their vision. What happened to sunshine, grass, & fun field trips?! What has happened to humanity? Now children want to change their gender, are being paraded around by half naked men in thongs and wigs, surrounded by microwave radiation, being injected with GOD knows what and you all think this is okay? How do any of you sleep at night?

SUPER spread these links! View all of the €ensored photos/memes, Banned \/ideos, patent do€uments, & more that exposes this s€amdemic & much more!

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Banned videos!

Tune into my current podcast for poetry the will open anyone’s eyes to the plandemi€ and much more!

Deplatformed podcast (still in circulation):

Inspiring photo/video album of the freedom keepers oworldwide!

#FreedomConvoy2022 #TruckersForFreedom

This is a widely circulated photo/video album of
many \/a€€ine reactions & deaths:

PCR fraud (NOT a tool of diagnosis but DNA analysis)
Video interviews of the inventor Kary B. Mullis

No masks and NO jabs! (Dangers of masks/jabs)

Five Gee (

EMF/RF Protection

Ukraine & Russia (facts over propaganda)

China’s Draconian Measures (lockdown model for the world)

New World Order

MeWe group “We Do Not Consent Worldwide”! 600+ members (facebook alternative) free speech!

MeWe group “We Do Not Consent” 575+ members

Coldcast profile (facebook alternative)

Fas€istbook profile

Fas€istbook banners!

“WeDoNotConsent“ on TruthSocial & Clubhouse!

False flags / crisis actors

Protect the children!

Save Our Children!


1918 s€amdemic



Wake the flock up!


Illuminati Card Games (1990s card game)

The Firmament (

CGI (computer generated images) cartoonvirus

Holistic Healing (Natural Remedies)

Common Law / Sovereignty

Ascot 2021 (Rules for thee, not for me)

G7 at Cornwall 2021 (CONvid theatre)

Adrenochrome (stop worshipping celebrities)

Tiffany Dover (Where is she?)

Hidden Truths


Weather Modification

Joe Imbriano video playlist!

(Me) Non gmo pureblood!

Artist, Poet, Entrepreneur, Independent investigative journalist, founder of “The Freedom Directory” worldwide project (in the works)! Email me your name/city to be added to my contact list! (Free advertising / networking opportunity)


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