Comparing Best Pre-Mixed Old Fashioneds

2 years ago

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Soul Boxer Wisconsin Style Brandy Old Fashioned

A rebel in its own right, the Brandy Old Fashioned breaks tradition by being made of brandy instead of whiskey. Flavored with pure cane sugar, aromatic bitters, Door County cherries, and orange peel, we crafted a signature cocktail that remains true to its supper club origins.

Hochstadter's Slow & Low 84 proof Rock and Rye Made With Straight Rye Whiskey

Rock & Rye is old school, and one of our favorite cocktails. This particular version from Hochstadter’s is particularly well balanced. Bottled at 84 proof, this is dangerously drinkable. The rye whiskey really has quite a nice spiciness that integrates perfectly with the floral and citrus notes of this cocktail . We should also add that the bitters are big in flavor, but quite pleasant. This is an altogether big explosion of flavor bottled at a solid proof, and priced for easy enjoyment.

Handy & Schiller Old Fashioned Premixed Cocktail

TASTING NOTES: This barrelled Old Fashioned has a perfect balance of sweetness with oak influence. The finish has a hint of creamy citrus fruit with a nice bourbon character overall. The Handy & Schiller Old Fashioned is made using our flagship Buffalo Trace Bourbon and our classic Peychaud’s Bitters. Carefully aged in our warehouses at Buffalo Trace Distillery, this cocktail can be enjoyed neat or over ice and it is perfect every time.

J.P. Wiser's Old Fashioned Whisky Cocktail

A ready-to-serve cocktail crafted with quality whisky, orange essence and natural flavour to bring the experience of the classic whisky cocktail from behind the bar to more convenient occasions. Simply pour J.P. Wiser’s® Old Fashioned Whisky Cocktail over ice and garnish with a twist of orange (garnish is optional).

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