A Brief Rant About the Iraq War (2008)

1 year ago

"That's the motivation. Guys who died for fuckin' nothing; who died for shit. And guys who joined up and volunteered their lives to be taken like that, for something that they thought was the ultimate cause; the cause of protecting our country and protecting the people of our country. I don't think anybody in this room or anybody who's been to Iraq gives a fuck about bringing freedom, or whatever you want to call it, to those motherfuckers over there. And that's another thing I struggle with, that I feel really bad about my buddies who got killed but there's nothing in this world, so far, that has made me give a fuck about all the people that we killed over there. Because I just can't afford to. It just doesn't pay to give a shit. You gotta be a callus fucker over there to live, and you gotta be a callus fucker back here to live with what you lived through."
- Clifton Hicks (March, 2008)

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