Knocking on the Devil's Door - A Gary Null Production

2 years ago

Knocking on the Devil’s Door deconstructs the corporate and political rhetoric feeding the media misinformation agenda to seduce us into believing that low level radiation emitted from nuclear plants is safe and that our future energy needs depend upon nuclear reactors. Pulling away the blinds of this deception, the documentary reveals an industry thoroughly corrupted by money and greed, intentional falsification of safety records, and reliance on pseudo-science that has become a gross violation of human rights.

The US is prepared to give tens of billions of dollars to the nuclear energy racketeers to build new nuclear power stations -- a goal of 200 new reactors to supply electricity to every major city in America. The liability for nuclear accidents and meltdowns falls upon taxpayers. In the meantime old decaying and leaking reactors are being relicensed by bureaucrats behind closed doors in the regulatory agencies, increasing the stakes that another catastrophe will happen on the near horizon.

Since nuclear energy provides less than ten percent of America’s energy needs, and cheaper, safer and greener alternative technologies are readily available, the message is clear. Nuclear energy is a filthy, life threatening solution and utterly unnecessary for the health of the planet.

Knocking on the Devil’s Door features many of the world’s most vital voices demanding for the cessation of nuclear power including Helen Caldicott, Harvey Wasserman, Vandana Shiva, Michio Kaku, Christopher Busby, Greg Palast, Janette Sherman, Karl Grossman, Ernest Sternglass, Aileen Mioko Smith, Kevin Kamps, Cindy Folkers, Alice Stewart and others

Writer/Director Gary Null
Producer Valerie Van Cleve, Richard Gale

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