I WANT YOU! Job position open

1 year ago

To apply, send your resume, cover letter, and video audition to shadiversitysubmissions@gmail.com with the Subject line: KNIGHTS WATCH HOST

We are searching for an additional host for our YouTube channel KNIGHTS WATCH who can also double as a video editor.

There is an audition process to be hired for this position. TO APPLY YOU MUST FILM A SAMPLE VIDEO OF YOURSELF REVIEWING AND CRITIQUING STAR WARS EPISODE 8, THE LAST JEDI, AS AN AUDITION VIDEO. Please attach a link to your video in your cover letter.

Presence on Camera and critiquing ability is what we are looking for, don't worry too much about video quality.
You will need to be confident and present well on camera and in discussing and critiquing movies, TV shows and other pop culture.
Experience in editing and camera work is preferred. Would suit an actor, public speaker, film graduate, or someone who has dabbled with YouTube performance. You will be working in a multipurpose position and may be required to assist in various jobs such as setting up and taking down sets. This job would suit a team player.

Daily duties will include:
-Filming reviews
-Basic filming and editing.
-Packing up and setting up of sets.
-Occasional travel out to filming locations for video production.
-any general assistants work to the team
-any and all other “muck” work that is allocated

Work hours are 9am-5:30pm Monday- Friday but may sometimes vary depending on timing of events or daylight/twilight filming requirements. Some jobs are in studio professional environment while others are just plain fun. Occasional travel to interstate locations outside of regular hours may be requested.

About the business
Shadiversity Pty Ltd is a fast growing video production company in Regional Victoria that specializes in online content, primarily distributed on YouTube. We are a small team running three YouTube channels so being creative with your tools and thinking quick is essential.

Each channel has its own character, style and subject matter. The following videos showcase some of the primary attributes of the three channels:
Knights Watch
The Shadlands

What We Can Offer You!
Our team is a very friendly small team and we all support the creation of top notch video content. In return for hard work we offer a good hourly salary and a friendly, creative, appreciative, professional and positive working environment with a team that is invested to go the extra mile for great creative content.

Skills and experience
-Confident and charismatic on camera
-Knowledge of Pop-culture, such as popular films, TV series, comics, video game, etc
-Ability to film detailed reviews of entertainment media
-Public speaking or video performance
-Video editing software abilities- using Davinci Resolve and Premiere Pro
-computer skills
-self motivated to be creative
-Confidence with cameras
-Drivers license
-Quick learner
-fast worker
-Ability to take feedback
-Strong organizational skills
-Positive attitude to un-glamorous tasks

Additional skills that will give preference to your application.
-A good sense of comedic humor
-Previous experience in video production either personally or professionally.
-Talent or experience in camera work or photography.
-Graphic design for T-shirts and video thumbnails
-Knowledge or study in medieval history.
-Video game development or coding

Applications without a video audition link to a review of the film Star Wars The Last Jedi will not be considered.
An Australian resident permitted to work in Australia is highly preferable.

In order to be considered please submit a cover letter addressing this job advertisement. Copy and paste cover letters or applications that do not address this specific job and its requirements will not be considered.

Include a link showing your on camera abilities.

If you have any relevant creative projects or social media profiles please be sure to include links to these in your cover letter or application.

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