1 year ago

Philippians 4:4 King James Version
4 Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.


You know, I think I can relate a lot to David in this area, because Ricky and I have had moments where people have tried to slander us, and they've tried to do it because of our faith. I remember when we had to take our former employers to federal court for example, and how God was in the room with us, and exposing the liars against us. I especially remember how God was there for us in the midst of everything Ricky was going through with the drunk driver that hit him, and how despite the setbacks God gave us victory. I think that's why these questions from this morning's devotional, or really encouraging to and motivating my heart right now, and I'd like to share them with you tonight. Please read these questions very carefully, and ask God to speak to you through them.

What reasons has God given you to rejoice today?

Interesting question isn't it? I know I have too many reasons to count to rejoice, and if I were to try to mention them here, it would take up pages. But the one thing I know that I can rejoice in everyday, is my salvation, and that I worship the risen savior who loves me unconditionally. what I'd like to do right now guys is share some thoughts that God has given me on this morning’s passage of scripture, through this flog I'd like to share with you all tonight. It's something that I pray will be an encouragement to you, to find reasons to rejoice in the midst of whatever you're going through, and know That you have an almighty God that loves you. Come join me in this vlog and learn how to find reasons to rejoice! 😊

So, as I close this post with all of you tonight, I want to leave you with this final question from this morning's devotional, and I pray that it will encourage you to rejoice.

How can you encourage someone who may feel discouraged?

Simply put, be there for them! Be there for them with open arms and a listening ear, and watch how God will use you. I truly pray right now, that whatever situation you were going through, whatever opposition, frustration, and tough situation you were going through, ask God to give you those reasons to rejoice, and watch how He will turn what's meant for evil into an awesome good. Know that yes you'll face tough times, but know that God will be there beside you, and he will give you vindication and victory.



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