Can't Fix It

1 year ago

There are so many things that “push” against our belief in Jesus Christ. We live in a society where more people want to “cancel God’ than people who embrace Him in personal relationship. How do we navigate? How do we find our way? The deception of our time is seeded by the enemy of our soul, who has enticed so many to believe that what is wrong is right and what is right is wrong. It is a twisted-up reality where what is illegal is now accepted as okay, where law is relative to what political party you are in. How can you fight against this? Especially when the Main Stream Media is pushing so many false narratives that create a fake reality that people live out of.

The more the Cancel God current sweeps away all that is good, the less we have civility and our society becomes more and more lawless. We can’t fight against the corrupted FBI, DOJ, Executive Branch of Government, Congress, Senate , Main Stream Media, Hollywood, and so many more who are corrupted by the deception of the enemy of our soul. With everyone pushing left it becomes a current that no one can stop the flow of. We can fight against the cultural chaos, but to no avail, and completely exhaust ourselves as we fail to even walk upstream against the flow of it. BUT God, He can. That is why we need to stop trying to be the fixer, He is the Fixer, we are not. He is in control, He has not abdicated His Authority, but is working purposefully for our good, and the glory of His Kingdom.

Evil is out of control, but God has a plan to boomerang their evil right back at them. When we light our own fires and walk by the light of a manmade fire, it will flame out and leave us in total darkness. The best thing to do against a strong “Cancel God” current is to yield to God, look to God for direction and stay in followship of Him. Let God navigate us by His strength, courage, wisdom and peace. God has a plan, it is good. Trust God. If we try to go it on our own, walking against the current in this rocky time, we will get all cut up emotionally and spiritually as we try to navigate the “Cancel God Current” in our own strength. It is just not going to happen; we can’t do it alone. This is a spiritual battle, and this battle belongs to the Lord. We need God. We can do all things with Jesus Who will strengthen us, equip us and make a way for us that no one else could. The endgame belongs to Jesus, He has the final say. Wait For It.
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