1 year ago

From his first solo album "Just Andraé" (1972 - Light Records), this song, "Lullaby of the Deceived" was inspired by one passage that the apostle Paul wrote in his second letter to Timothy. Paul considered Timothy, to be his "natural son in the faith", and wrote those very words to Timothy in his first letter to him (1 Timothy 1:2), so Timothy was clearly very special to Paul, even to the point that Paul deemed it his own responsibility to mentor him whenever possible.

As I mentioned above this song was inspired by one passage that Paul wrote in his second letter to Timothy. That passage reads as follows:
"All that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution, but evil people and deceivers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived."
Paul was warning Timothy that evil people and deceivers would not change, but would actually worsen in both being deceived, and in deceiving others. Paul was warning Timothy of such people, and to expect persecution, while at the same time encouraging Timothy that living godly in Christ Jesus was worth the occasional struggles that he would endure, continuing in that part of his letter to Timothy by telling him that because of his (Timothy's) excellent knowledge of the Scriptures, he had become wise and full of faith, which was clearly perfecting him in all good works (2 Timothy 3:14-17)

That is a LOT of talk and Scripture reference, but the things that Paul was telling Timothy is just as true today as it was 2,000 years ago, and Andraé Crouch, being filled with the Holy Spirit and having excellent knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, was very well aware of evil people and deceivers, and that they are indeed STILL waxing worse and worse in both being deceived, and in deceiving others. In his concern for his peers in the music industry, as well as for people everywhere, Andraé Crouch wrote and recorded "Lullaby of the Deceived", which both mocks the deceivers, and sternly warns those who are being deceived. The song "Lullaby of the Deceived" is heard by some as satire or parody, but the anointing on the song goes far beyond satire to reach and relentlessly convict those who it was written to reach.

When I created this slideshow video for the song "Lullaby of the Deceived" back in late October 2010, I sought the Lord for guidance and inspiration from His Holy Spirit in order for the video to be true to the Lord's intent and Andraé's heart when writing and recording the song. I posted it on my YouTube channel where, even with over 4,000 subscribers, over the past 12 years it has only been viewed just over 1,900 times, and has just 16 likes. It is really not important to my ego to get likes and views for the song. My desire is that more people view and like the video (or even dislike the video) so that I know that its purpose is indeed being fulfilled.

In under 2 years the number of subscribers to my Rumble channel is approaching triple that of the number of subscribers on my YouTube channel. The Holy Spirit reminded me of that this morning, and I KNOW that it was Him who told me to upload my video of "Lullaby of the Deceived" to my Rumble channel as well. The more people that I can reach with the truth of freedom in Jesus, the better, just like the more people I can reach with the truth of what is really going on in this world, the better. In regards to this song and video for "Lullaby of the Deceived", it seems that both goals are being met.

I want to again thank Andraé Crouch (now in heaven) for having given me permission to create this video back when I created it, and for having the licensing give me an exception to make creating and uploading this video possible back in 2010. In all truth, it was none other than almighty God, YHWH, who made this all possible, and now it is making new steps forward right here on Rumble, all for His glory and honor. Thank You Jesus!

God bless you all!


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