According2Sam #137 'Mr.81Million'

2 years ago

If you listen to the Democrats and media narrative President Biden is the most successful president in modern history. Along with winning more votes than any other president in American history, 81 million, he has followed that up with a string of wins for the American people in his first two years; according to them. He started winning with a $1.9 trillion stimulus package, and then followed with legislative wins that include an infrastructure package, the Chips Act, and he even signed a gun control law. All of these laws are very popular with the American people, so we are told, and if you listen to them Joe Biden is killing it! However, this is not reflected in the president's poll numbers. More evidence that Biden may not be 'killing it' as we are told, is the fact that he has zero campaign events in swing states in the last three weeks before the mid-term elections. Nobody wants to be seen with Mr.81Million in these final weeks. This does not match with what we are being told. Why is Biden not using his prestige as a successful president to campaign for candidates in tight races? Join the conversation and get answers to this question and more on According2Sam episode #137

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