Fauci denies suggesting school closings

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1 year ago

Fauci denies suggesting school closings
By Terry A. Hurlbut
Yesterday, Children’s Health Defense premiered its latest documentary, The Real Anthony Fauci, based on the book of that name by its founder and CEO, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. With such an unflattering portrait in the news, one might expect Dr. Fauci to lie low. That’s because he has absolutely nothing to say in his defense. But on Sunday evening, he tried to deny one of the worst orders he gave: to close the nation’s schools. Today we can re-examine video footage of his ordering, or suggesting, precisely that.
About The Real Anthony Fauci
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. tells us why he wrote The Real Anthony Fauci and ordered the documentary:
I wrote The Real Anthony Fauci so that Americans — both Democrat and Republican — can understand Dr. Fauci’s pernicious role in allowing pharmaceutical companies to dictate a COVID-19 response that trampled public health, the global economy, our constitutional rights and all the traditional values of liberalism.
But coronavirus is only the latest episode in a clearly checkered career. Says Jeff Hays, the documentary’s producer:
The people who wanted to be a part of the film amazed us. Especially the people who had their careers derailed by Fauci — the scientists and journalists fighting this battle. And we didn’t have to talk people into being in the film — they were eager.
Again, this derailment covers a fifty-year career. The documentary alleges — and seeks to show — a pattern of scientific plagiarism, falsification of data, unethical experimental protocols, cruelty to animals above and beyond any requirement of science, and most especially, conflicts of interest with many drug companies, and with Bill Gates of Microsoft fame. But it also details the image he carefully cultivated, of “America’s Doctor.” He actually portrayed himself as Chief of All Chiefs of Staff of all hospitals in the country. During my medical training, The Attendings hung on his every word and devoured every article he published, in The New England Journal of Medicine and other popular, hence powerful, medical journals.
Bear this in mind when considering what follows.
The school closings
Yesterday, Mr. Steve Watson at NWO Report carried this scathing review of his appearance on This Week, ABC’s Sunday Show. Jon Karl, host of This Week, asked him about the closing of America’s schools. Remember: the schools didn’t even finish the academic year ending May and June of 2020. In the next school year, most school systems did not operate at all, or else worked remotely. It was a grand experiment in distance learning in elementary, middle and high school. This robbed pupils of a year of social development. Furthermore, learning suffered, by every objective measure of pupil performance.
Ironically, one good result was the rise of homeschooling. Parents realized fast that distance learning does not work at that age. They also learned for the first time the kinds of lessons their children were getting. And they did not like what they overheard. So they risked many kinds of sanctions against them, to get their children away from unhealthy lessons that amounted in some cases to grooming. Hence the anti-grooming laws in Florida and other States.
The schools that did operate in-person, ordered their pupils and students to wear masks all day. That’s bad enough in middle and high school. In elementary school, this practice robbed pupils of their chance to learn visual cues to the feelings of others. Without a doubt, a year of lockdowns and masking has stunted the mental development of America’s children. (Again, unless their parents chose homeschooling.)
Fauci tries to deny his role
And so, in this context, Jon Karl asked Dr. Fauci:
Was it a mistake … to see schools closed as long as they were?
Incredibly, he said back:
I don’t want to use the word mistake, Jon. Because if I do, it gets taken out of the context that you’re asking me the question on. I would say that what we should realize and have realized – that there will be deleterious collateral consequences when you do something like that.
You shouldn’t discount that it does afflict children, so it isn’t without consequences. If you go back – and I ask anybody to go back – over the number of times I’ve said “we gotta everything we can to keep the schools open,” no one plays that clip. They always come back and say, “Fauci was responsible for closing schools.” I had nothing to do [with it].
He had nothing to do with it? Here he is, pretending to be Chief of All Chiefs of Staff of All Hospitals. (And drawing a higher salary than that of the President himself!) And he says he had nothing to do with closing the schools? If anyone had misquoted him, or actually taken what he said out of context, his duty would require that he correct any misapprehension. That goes double when he knows that children should be in school, and learn in person. “I had nothing to do with it” won’t serve if he had it in his power to prevent it.
But we’ve got the video to prove him a liar
In the same clip in which he denied suggesting school closings, Dr. Fauci also said:
We’ve lost close to 1500 kids so far.
At least one other Twitter user disputes that, or at least says a healthy child need not have feared infection.
That’s bad enough. But less than two months ago, Fauci defended the practice!
User Tom Elliot immediately left tweet after tweet with video, starting in March 2020, of Fauci recommending school closings.
The only reason for such widespread closing was Dr. Fauci’s word on the matter. Before his “guidance” came down, the school district in Hanover, Virginia was preparing to close the schools for two days, for a thorough cleaning of every room (particularly every classroom) in every building. The next day, Hanover County Public Schools announced they were closed until further notice. And that’s only one example, out of many. The Tom Elliot thread also shows Fauci aligning his spiel with the new Biden Administration’s legislative priorities. That’s almost as bad a conflict of interest as those he had with drug companies.
The end of his career
Anthony Fauci announced two months ago he would resign by year’s end – after denying any such plan a month earlier. He has already faced withering questioning in the U.S. Senate, particularly from Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.), a doctor himself. Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), Ranking Member on the House Oversight Committee, has said Fauci would face Congressional investigation next year.
That investigation might cover many damaging allegations, including:
• Funding of gain-of-function research,
• Official censorship of alternative perspectives on coronavirus, and
• His having predicted the coronavirus outbreak three years in advance, with no innocent means of making such a prediction.
At least some Republicans will no doubt pursue him all the harder, believing that he willfully deceived President Donald Trump. Trump will have to answer, someday, for failing to apply some imagination and common sense to the problem. If he had, Trump might have challenged Dr. Fauci’s pronouncements, and taken his cue from the Swedes. They did not lock down as America did, so they spared themselves the stunting of children’s social development and possibly of learning.
But in Dr. Fauci’s current remarks we see the end of the life cycle of so many “new drugs.” Eventually the medical profession abandons many of them, when they don’t work as advertised, and doctors can’t deny that anymore. So it is also with school closings. Fauci has at least admitted – though far too late – what a bad idea those were.
Link to:
The article:

The CHD press release:

Tweet showing Dr. Fauci’s interview on This Week:

A user disputes the risk of death from infection to healthy children:

Justin Hart’s tweet showing Fauci defending school closings:

Tom Elliot’s thread:

Conservative News and Views:

The CNAV Store:

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