Anxiety Relief with Phi Balance | #shorts

1 year ago

Getting anxiety relief from Phi Balance

Greetings Phi Tribe. Thank you all for the thousands of beautiful comments and more than 10 million views in just our first 6 months. I am so pleased to hear from you, and to learn how much these sleep programs are helping so many of you relieve anxiety and get some much-needed rest.

If you are new here, our sleep videos are part of a series, working together to relieve various types of anxiety. It does this through a process of sonic sympathetic resonance and a new music production technique called Phi Balance. This is a new way of producing music that is in mathematical harmony with sacred geometrical principles. The building blocks of all reality. These techniques utilize and resonate with natures Phi and Fibonacci patterns found at every scale of reality from the macro to the micro. Life is music, and when you're playing in key, it's harmoniously beautiful.

"Everything is music. The symphony of the cosmos is a momentary Magnum Opus, and the thing you call life is but a unique instrumental expression of a single note in this grand musical experience."

Phi Music is a brand new way of fractal tuning based on Nikola Tesla's approach to Vortex Mathematics. Dubbed "The Miracle of 3-6-9", this way of understanding the numerology and nature of spinning toroids, just might be the greatest invention Tesla gave to the world. Through this understanding and "phi tuning" methodology, it is possible to bring every aspect of nature, both physical as well as metaphysical into toroidal balance with "Phi", otherwise known as "The Golden Ratio" of nature.

Voiceover by Ford
Music Composed, Produced and Mixed by FORD
FordProductions, Atlanta
©️2022 Ford Productions
In collaboration with Phi Tribe

For more behind the scenes video of the making of this song and others on Phi Tribe, please subscribe to
Fords Playground on YouTube :


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