Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 10-19-22: You Can’t Handle the Truth!

1 year ago

Before getting to the meat of our message today, I want to make a brief comment on the upcoming election in three weeks. I’ve stated all along that I believe the Democrats/Deep State/Global Elites simply cannot and will not allow the Republicans to gain back power through winning the House and Senate at these midterms. George Orwell’s character O’Brien in lecturing the hapless Winston Smith in the book 1984 said:

“The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power. We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means, it is an end. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?”

Let me repeat the key line: We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it.

To that end, here are three scenarios I foresee, any of which could be employed to achieve this objective:

1. The Biden Regime could declare an emergency resulting from a false flag operation that supposedly implicates the extremist MAGA Republicans and declares martial law ahead of the elections. Thus, it’s simply too dangerous for our citizens to go to voting places, and we have to postpone the election.
2. The Democrats win through massive voter fraud despite the overwhelming Red Wave, and of course, no courts are interested in reviewing the evidence.
3. The Red Republican tide swamps the immense voting irregularities which should have given the Democrats their planned-for victory. As a result, Plan B is put into effect between November and January to institute the false flag which will invalidate the election results – perhaps including martial law at this point.

Keep your eyes peeled and your ears attuned. Now on to our primary Prophecy Update . . .

The premise of my message today is very simple: If our government would act against the best interests of the people by developing COVID-19 in partnership with China for the express purpose of promoting – even mandating – the deadly mRNA injections that killed or harmed vast numbers of our citizens, why is it such a stretch to believe that our same government would have devised and executed a terrorist plot to destroy the World Trade Centers on September 11, 2001 and kill thousands of people in order to gin up the War on Terror to use as an excuse to significantly restrict our civil liberties? Why is it so hard to believe that our government has waged war on us via false flag operations through the years so as to promote a One World Government by any means necessary? If our US government chose to inflict such damage on us by using the COVID-19 “vaccines”, how can anyone dismiss the high probability that 9/11 was a manufactured event?

Remember the warning Jesus gave us in Matthew 24:4 as the primary concern during the last days:

“Take heed that no one deceives you.”

Everything that we’re discussing in this vein is about deception. Don’t lose track of that by getting caught up in the official narrative.

Today I want to prove to you without a shadow of doubt that the COVID jabs are military-grade bioweapons repurposed for healthcare to advance a very devious agenda. Based on significant facts regarding 9/11 and the planes assumed to strike the Twin Towers, I want to also plant the seed that it was a US government operation and not the terrorist attack we’ve all been conditioned to believe because of the official narrative that has been repeated for twenty years.

Does this sound rather inflammatory to you? If it does, good, I intend it that way. Because of the plandemic of the supposed COVID virus and the scamdemic of the toxic COVID pretend vaccines, based on my research, I’ve come to the sad conclusion that a war is being waged on America by the very people we’ve elected – along with their shadowy Deep State handlers – so as to destroy our nation and prepare for the globalist utopia envisioned by Agenda 2030 – which I believe will coincide with the Biblical 7-year Tribulation. This is a dark time, and it is getting increasingly darker. However, it must be this way in order for God to finally bring His wrath and righteous judgment to bear upon this lost and dying world.


Karen Kingston interview with Mike Adams

Flight attendant 9-11 interview – Rebekah Roth

Moderna mRNA vaccine to grow back blood vessels after heart attack

Karen Kingston article: hydrogels vs spike proteins

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update: Conspiracy or Reality?

Press for Truth – 9/11 Decade of Deception

Pekka Lundmark – CEO Nokia quote

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth

Saudis not on 9/11 planes

Another Saudi not on 9/11 plane

Rebekah Roth – flight attendant – website

Vaccinated people – new strange reactions + clots

Gary Ritter website: books & blog

Kindle Vella story: Tribulation Rising

Please note that the transcript is available on my website under the posted article with the same title.

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